import _ from 'lodash'; import debug from 'debug'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import fs from 'fs'; import { google } from 'googleapis'; import { Observable } from 'rx'; import { timeCache, observeMethod } from './rx'; // one million! const upperBound = 1000 * 1000; const scope = ''; const pathToCred = process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS; const log = debug('fcc:server:utils:about'); const analytics ='v3'); const makeRequest = observeMethod(, 'get'); export const toBoundInt = _.flow( // first convert string to integer _.toInteger, // then we bound the integer to prevent weird things like Infinity // and negative numbers // can't wait to the day we need to update this! _.partialRight(_.clamp, 0, upperBound) ); export function createActiveUsers() { const zero = Observable.of(0); let credentials; if (!pathToCred) { // if no path to credentials set to zero; log(dedent` no google applications credentials environmental variable found 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' 'activeUser' api will always return 0 this can safely be ignored during development `); return zero; } try { credentials = require(fs.realpathSync(pathToCred)); } catch (err) { log('google applications credentials file failed to require'); console.error(err); // if we can't require credentials set to zero; return zero; } if ( !credentials.private_key || !credentials.client_email || !credentials.viewId ) { log(dedent` google applications credentials json should have a * private_key * client_email * viewId but none were found `); return zero; } const client = new google.auth.JWT( credentials['client_email'], null, credentials['private_key'], [scope] ); const authorize = observeMethod(client, 'authorize'); const options = { ids: `ga:${credentials.viewId}`, auth: client, metrics: 'rt:activeUsers' }; return Observable.defer( // we wait for authorize to complete before attempting to make request // this ensures our token is initialized and valid // we defer here to make sure the actual request is done per subscription // instead of once at startup () => authorize().flatMap(() => makeRequest(options)) ) // data: Array[body|Object, request: Request] .map(data => data[0]) .map( ({ totalsForAllResults } = {}) => totalsForAllResults['rt:activeUsers'] ) .map(toBoundInt) // print errors to error log for logging, duh .do(null, err => console.error(err)) // always send a number down .catch(() => Observable.of(0)) ::timeCache(2, 'seconds'); }