import loopback from 'loopback'; import debugFactory from 'debug'; import { setProfileFromGithub, getFirstImageFromProfile, getUsernameFromProvider, getSocialProvider } from '../../server/utils/auth'; const { defaultProfileImage } = require('../utils/constantStrings.json'); const githubRegex = (/github/i); const debug = debugFactory('fcc:models:userIdent'); export default function(UserIdent) { // original source // UserIdent.login = function( provider, authScheme, profile, credentials, options, cb ) { options = options || {}; if (typeof options === 'function' && !cb) { cb = options; options = {}; } const userIdentityModel = UserIdent; = || profile.openid; const filter = { where: { provider: getSocialProvider(provider), externalId: } }; return userIdentityModel.findOne(filter) .then(identity => { // identity already exists // find user and log them in if (identity) { identity.credentials = credentials; const options = { profile: profile, credentials: credentials, modified: new Date() }; return identity.updateAttributes(options) // grab user associated with identity .then(() => identity.user()) .then(user => { // Create access token for user const options = { created: new Date(), ttl: user.constructor.settings.ttl }; return user.accessTokens.create(options) .then(token => ({ user, token })); }) .then(({ token, user })=> { cb(null, user, identity, token); }) .catch(err => cb(err)); } // Find the user model const userModel = userIdentityModel.relations.user && userIdentityModel.relations.user.modelTo || loopback.getModelByType(loopback.User); const userObj = options.profileToUser(provider, profile, options); if (getSocialProvider(provider) !== 'github') { return process.nextTick(() => cb( new Error( 'accounts can only be created using Github or though email' ) )); } let query; if ( { query = { or: [ { username: userObj.username }, { email: } ]}; } else { query = { username: userObj.username }; } return userModel.findOrCreate({ where: query }, userObj) .then(([ user ]) => { const promises = [ userIdentityModel.create({ provider: getSocialProvider(provider), externalId:, authScheme: authScheme, profile: profile, credentials: credentials, userId:, created: new Date(), modified: new Date() }), user.accessTokens.create({ created: new Date(), ttl: user.constructor.settings.ttl }) ]; return Promise.all(promises) .then(([ identity, token ]) => ({ user, identity, token })); }) .then(({ user, token, identity }) => cb(null, user, identity, token)) .catch(err => cb(err)); }); }; UserIdent.observe('before save', function(ctx, next) { const userIdent = ctx.currentInstance || ctx.instance; if (!userIdent) { debug('no user identity instance found'); return next(); } return userIdent.user(function(err, user) { let userChanged = false; if (err) { return next(err); } if (!user) { debug('no user attached to identity!'); return next(); } const { profile, provider } = userIdent; const picture = getFirstImageFromProfile(profile); debug('picture', picture, user.picture); // check if picture was found // check if user has no picture // check if user has default picture // set user.picture from oauth provider if ( picture && (!user.picture || user.picture === defaultProfileImage) ) { debug('setting user picture'); user.picture = picture; userChanged = true; } if (!githubRegex.test(provider) && profile) { user[provider] = getUsernameFromProvider(provider, profile); userChanged = true; } // if user signed in with github refresh their info if (githubRegex.test(provider) && profile && profile._json) { debug("user isn't github cool or username from github is different"); setProfileFromGithub(user, profile, profile._json); userChanged = true; } if (userChanged) { return { if (err) { return next(err); } return next(); }); } debug('exiting after user identity before save'); return next(); }); }); }