--- id: 587d778d367417b2b2512aaa title: Make Elements Only Visible to a Screen Reader by Using Custom CSS challengeType: 0 videoUrl: 'https://scrimba.com/c/cJ8QGkhJ' --- ## Description
Have you noticed that all of the applied accessibility challenges so far haven't used any CSS? This is to show the importance of a logical document outline, and using semantically meaningful tags around your content before introducing the visual design aspect. However, CSS's magic can also improve accessibility on your page when you want to visually hide content meant only for screen readers. This happens when information is in a visual format (like a chart), but screen reader users need an alternative presentation (like a table) to access the data. CSS is used to position the screen reader-only elements off the visual area of the browser window. Here's an example of the CSS rules that accomplish this: ```css .sr-only { position: absolute; left: -10000px; width: 1px; height: 1px; top: auto; overflow: hidden; } ``` Note: The following CSS approaches will NOT do the same thing:
## Instructions
Camper Cat created a really cool stacked bar chart for his training page, and put the data into a table for his visually impaired users. The table already has an sr-only class, but the CSS rules aren't filled in yet. Give the position an absolute value, the left a -10000px value, and the width and height both 1px values.
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: Your code should set the position property of the sr-only class to a value of absolute. testString: assert($('.sr-only').css('position') == 'absolute', 'Your code should set the position property of the sr-only class to a value of absolute.'); - text: Your code should set the left property of the sr-only class to a value of -10000px. testString: assert($('.sr-only').css('left') == '-10000px', 'Your code should set the left property of the sr-only class to a value of -10000px.'); - text: Your code should set the width property of the sr-only class to a value of 1 pixel. testString: assert(code.match(/width:\s*?1px/gi), 'Your code should set the width property of the sr-only class to a value of 1 pixel.'); - text: Your code should set the height property of the sr-only class to a value of 1 pixel. testString: assert(code.match(/height:\s*?1px/gi), 'Your code should set the height property of the sr-only class to a value of 1 pixel.'); ```
## Challenge Seed


Master Camper Cat's Beginner Three Week Training Program

[Stacked bar chart]

Breakdown per week of time to spend training in stealth, combat, and weapons.
Hours of Weekly Training in Stealth, Combat, and Weapons
Stealth & Agility Combat Weapons Total
Week One 3 5 2 10
Week Two 4 5 3 12
Week Three 4 6 3 13

Stealth & Agility Training

Climb foliage quickly using a minimum spanning tree approach

No training is NP-complete without parkour

Combat Training

Dispatch multiple enemies with multithreaded tactics

Goodbye, world: 5 proven ways to knock out an opponent

Weapons Training

Swords: the best tool to literally divide and conquer

Breadth-first or depth-first in multi-weapon training?

## Solution


Master Camper Cat's Beginner Three Week Training Program

[Stacked bar chart]

Breakdown per week of time to spend training in stealth, combat, and weapons.
Hours of Weekly Training in Stealth, Combat, and Weapons
Stealth & Agility Combat Weapons Total
Week One 3 5 2 10
Week Two 4 5 3 12
Week Three 4 6 3 13

Stealth & Agility Training

Climb foliage quickly using a minimum spanning tree approach

No training is NP-complete without parkour

Combat Training

Dispatch multiple enemies with multithreaded tactics

Goodbye, world: 5 proven ways to knock out an opponent

Weapons Training

Swords: the best tool to literally divide and conquer

Breadth-first or depth-first in multi-weapon training?
