--- title: Grid Layout --- ## Grid Layout CSS Grid Layout, simply known as Grid, is a layout scheme that is the newest and the most powerful in CSS. It is [supported by all major browsers](https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-grid) and provides a way to position items on the page and move them around. It can automatically assign items to _areas_, size and resize them, take care of creating columns and rows based on a pattern you define, and doing all the calculations using the newly introduced `fr` unit. ### Why Grid? - You can easily have a 12-column grid with one line of CSS. `grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 1fr)` - Grid lets you move things in any direction. Unlike Flex, where you can move items either horizontally (`flex-direction: row`) or vertically (`flex-direction: column`) - not both at the same time, Grid lets you move any _grid item_ to any predefined _grid area_ on the page. The items you move do not have to be adjacent. - With CSS Grid, you can **change the order of HTML elements using only CSS**. Move something from top to the right, move elements that were in footer to the sidebar etc. Instead of moving the `
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