--- title: Changes Made to the Site on February 11 2016 --- ## Fixing the bottlenecks that made FreeCodeCamp.com so slow * Our open source community is growing rapidly, and this week our site has slowed to a crawl during peak hours. * We've gone through, identified several bottlenecks, and fixed them. Free Code Camp should now be faster than ever. * A huge thanks to @berkeleytrue for leading this effort, and to the many campers who helped QA these improvements. ## Introducing our new Wiki * Our wiki is now on FreeCodeCamp.com itself (as opposed to on our main project's GitHub Wiki). * Our wiki pops out like our chat and map do. We welcome feedback on this new functionality. Hotkeys, context aware wiki articles, and other features will come soon. * A big thanks to @saintpeter, @hallaathrad, and @awesomeaniruddh, along with many other campers for their hard work on this! ## Opening our Shop * We have a new t-shirt campaign going on until February 15\. Hurry up and buy one of these awesome Free Code Camp t-shirts: click here for our US campaign | click here for our EU campaign * We created a new shop page. It only links to our t-shirt campaign now, but we will soon have laptop stickers and other cool gear. ## Retiring Camper News * Over the past year, Camper News has been a modest success. But so has our subreddit, which allows for commenting, moderation, and many other features. So we are shifting to Reddit for news sharing. * We recommend creating a Reddit account if you don't already have one and joining our subreddit. You can now share links with our entire community there, as well as your thoughts and questions. * We will keep Camper News live for a while, but we're removing the link to it from our navigation menu, and removing the challenge that introduced it. ## Updating challenges * Many campers asked that we create an easier, HTML-focused project to precede "Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage". So we've created a new project that can be completed using only HTML and Bootstrap called "Build a Tribute Page". * We also resequenced our front end projects. Here's how they're now structured: * Basic Front End Projects * Build a Tribute Page * Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage * Intermediate Front End Projects * Build a Random Quote Machine * Show the Local Weather * Build a Wikipedia Viewer * Use the Twitch.tv JSON API * Advanced Front End Projects * Build a JavaScript Calculator * Build a Pomodoro Clock * Build a Tic Tac Toe Game * Build a Simon Game * You'll note that we've removed the "Build a Camper News Viewer" project since we're retiring Camper News. If you've previously completed that challenge, the "Build a Tribute Page" should already be marked completed for you on your map. * Also, for "Build a Tic Tac Toe Game", you no longer need to make it unbeatable. (You certainly can if you want - here's how. Although doing so is a useful exercise, writing an AI is a departure from the project's focus, which is front end development. * We added three new optional challenges that help you join our: * subreddit * Medium publication * Twitch.tv channel ## Coming soon * We will launch our Spanish challenges in the next few days. * We plan to release optional React, Sass, and D3 challenges this Spring. But don't wait - you can complete the projects with the help of these projects' official documentation - 16 campers have already done just that.