.panel.panel-primary .panel-heading Challenges .panel-body ol(start='0') li a(href="/challenges/0") A One-minute Introduction to Free Code Camp li a(href="/challenges/1") Enter the Free Code Camp Chat Room li a(href="/challenges/2") Create a Website and Deploy it to the Internet li a(href="/challenges/3") Install Github's Atom Text Editor li a(href="/challenges/4") Modify and Redeploy Your Website li a(href="/challenges/5") Start Your First Pair Programming Session li a(href="/challenges/6") Add Dynamic Content to your Website li a(href="/challenges/7") Codecademy's HTML & CSS track li a(href="/challenges/8") Experiment with HTML and CSS in CodePen li a(href="/challenges/9") Code School's Try jQuery li a(href="/challenges/10") jQuery Exercises li a(href="/challenges/11") Code School's Discover DevTools li a(href="/challenges/12") Customize Bootstrap with Bootswatch li a(href="/challenges/13") Inject Life with CSS Transformations li a(href="/challenges/14") Codecademy's JavaScript track li a.disabled(href="/challenges/15") Get Help The Hacker Way with RSAP li a.disabled(href="/challenges/16") Easy Algorithm Scripting Challenges on Coderbyte li a.disabled(href="/challenges/17") Harvard's CS50: Introduction to Computer Science li a.disabled(href="/challenges/18") Medium Algorithm Scripting Challenges on Coderbyte li a.disabled(href="/challenges/19") Stanford's Relational Databases Mini-course li a.disabled(href="/challenges/20") Stanford's JSON Mini-course li a.disabled(href="/challenges/21") Build a Text-based Adventure li a.disabled(href="/challenges/22") Hard Algorithm Scripting Challenges on Coderbyte li a.disabled(href="/challenges/23") Stanford's SQL Mini-course li a.disabled(href="/challenges/24") Build an Interview Question Machine li a.disabled(href="/challenges/25") Code School's Try Git li a.disabled(href="/challenges/26") Install Node.js li a.disabled(href="/challenges/27") Clone a Github Repo li a.disabled(href="/challenges/28") Deploy an app to Heroku li a.disabled(href="/challenges/29") Code School's Real-time web with Node.JS li a.disabled(href="/challenges/30") Try MongoDB li a.disabled(href="/challenges/31") Explore your Network with the LinkedIn API li a.disabled(href="/challenges/32") Build your first API li a.disabled(href="/challenges/33") Aggregate Data with Chron Jobs and Screen Scraping li a.disabled(href="/challenges/34") Code School's Shaping up with Angular.JS li a.disabled(href="/challenges/35") Reverse Engineer SnapChat li a.disabled(href="/challenges/36") Reverse Engineer Reddit li a.disabled(href="/challenges/37") Reverse Engineer Pintrest li a.disabled(href="/challenges/38") Help a Nonprofit: Team Project li a.disabled(href="/challenges/39") Help a Nonprofit: Solo Project li a.disabled(href="/challenges/40") Crack the Coding Interview