--- title: Add Items Using splice() --- ## Add Items Using splice() - Using the splice() function, you must remove the first 2 elements from array `arr` and replace them with `DarkSalmon` and `BlanchedAlmond`. - Remember the splice function can take up to three parameters. ## Example: ```javascript arr.splice(0, 1, "Two"); /* The first two paramemters are the same as they were in the previous challenge. `0` will start the `splice()` function off at index 0. The second parameter `1` will remove only 1 variable from the array. The final variable "Two" will replace the variable in arr[0]. Note: The final parameter can take more than 1 arguement. */ ``` ## Solution: ```javascript function htmlColorNames(arr) { // change code below this line arr.splice(0, 2, "DarkSalmon", "BlanchedAlmond"); // change code above this line return arr; } // do not change code below this line console.log(htmlColorNames(['DarkGoldenRod', 'WhiteSmoke', 'LavenderBlush', 'PaleTurqoise', 'FireBrick'])); ```