{ "name": "Claim Your Full Stack Development Certificate", "order": 21, "time": "5m", "challenges": [ { "id": "660add10cb82ac38a17513be", "title": "Claim Your Full Stack Development Certificate", "difficulty": 0.00, "challengeSeed": [ { "properties": ["isHonest", "isFullStackCert"], "apis": ["/certificate/honest", "/certificate/verify/full-stack"], "stepIndex": [1, 2] } ], "description": [ [ "http://i.imgur.com/sKYQhdG.jpg", "An image of our Full Stack Development Certificate", "This challenge will give you your verified Full Stack Development Certificate. Before we issue your certificate, we must verify that you have completed all of Bonfires, Ziplines and Basejumps. You must also accept our Academic Honesty Pledge. Click the button below to start this process.", "" ], [ "http://i.imgur.com/HArFfMN.jpg", "The definition of plagiarism: Plagiarism (noun) - copying someone else’s work and presenting it as your own without crediting them", "By clicking below, you pledge that all of your submitted code A) is code you or your pair personally wrote, or B) comes from open source libraries like jQuery, or C) has been clearly attributed to its original authors. You also give us permission to audit your challenge solutions and revoke your certificate if we discover evidence of plagiarism.", "#" ], [ "http://i.imgur.com/2qn7tHp.jpg", "An image of the text \"Full Stack Development Certificate requirements\"", "Let's confirm that you have completed all of our Bonfires, Ziplines and Basejumps. Click the button below to verify this.", "#" ], [ "http://i.imgur.com/16SIhHO.jpg", "An image of the word \"Congratulations\"", "Congratulations! We've added your Full Stack Development Certificate to your certificate to your portfolio page. Unless you choose to hide your solutions, this certificate will remain publicly visible and verifiable.", "" ] ], "type": "Waypoint", "challengeType": 7, "tests": [ { "id": "ad7123c8c441eddfaeb5bdef", "title": "Meet Bonfire" }, { "id": "a202eed8fc186c8434cb6d61", "title": "Reverse a String" }, { "id": "a302f7aae1aa3152a5b413bc", "title": "Factorialize a Number" }, { "id": "aaa48de84e1ecc7c742e1124", "title": "Check for Palindromes" }, { "id": "a26cbbe9ad8655a977e1ceb5", "title": "Find the Longest Word in a String" }, { "id": "ab6137d4e35944e21037b769", "title": "Title Case a Sentence" }, { "id": "a789b3483989747d63b0e427", "title": "Return Largest Numbers in Arrays" }, { "id": "acda2fb1324d9b0fa741e6b5", "title": "Confirm the Ending" }, { "id": "afcc8d540bea9ea2669306b6", "title": "Repeat a string repeat a string" }, { "id": "ac6993d51946422351508a41", "title": "Truncate a string" }, { "id": "a9bd25c716030ec90084d8a1", "title": "Chunky Monkey" }, { "id": "ab31c21b530c0dafa9e241ee", "title": "Slasher Flick" }, { "id": "af2170cad53daa0770fabdea", "title": "Mutations" }, { "id": "adf08ec01beb4f99fc7a68f2", "title": "Falsy Bouncer" }, { "id": "a39963a4c10bc8b4d4f06d7e", "title": "Seek and Destroy" }, { "id": "a24c1a4622e3c05097f71d67", "title": "Where do I belong" }, { "id": "a3566b1109230028080c9345", "title": "Sum All Numbers in a Range" }, { "id": "a5de63ebea8dbee56860f4f2", "title": "Diff Two Arrays" }, { "id": "a7f4d8f2483413a6ce226cac", "title": "Roman Numeral Converter" }, { "id": "a8e512fbe388ac2f9198f0fa", "title": "Where art thou" }, { "id": "a0b5010f579e69b815e7c5d6", "title": "Search and Replace" }, { "id": "aa7697ea2477d1316795783b", "title": "Pig Latin" }, { "id": "afd15382cdfb22c9efe8b7de", "title": "DNA Pairing" }, { "id": "af7588ade1100bde429baf20", "title": "Missing letters" }, { "id": "a77dbc43c33f39daa4429b4f", "title": "Boo who" }, { "id": "a105e963526e7de52b219be9", "title": "Sorted Union" }, { "id": "a6b0bb188d873cb2c8729495", "title": "Convert HTML Entities" }, { "id": "a103376db3ba46b2d50db289", "title": "Spinal Tap Case" }, { "id": "a5229172f011153519423690", "title": "Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers" }, { "id": "a3bfc1673c0526e06d3ac698", "title": "Sum All Primes" }, { "id": "ae9defd7acaf69703ab432ea", "title": "Smallest Common Multiple" }, { "id": "a6e40f1041b06c996f7b2406", "title": "Finders Keepers" }, { "id": "a5deed1811a43193f9f1c841", "title": "Drop it" }, { "id": "ab306dbdcc907c7ddfc30830", "title": "Steamroller" }, { "id": "a8d97bd4c764e91f9d2bda01", "title": "Binary Agents" }, { "id": "a10d2431ad0c6a099a4b8b52", "title": "Everything Be True" }, { "id": "a97fd23d9b809dac9921074f", "title": "Arguments Optional" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfbeb5bd1f", "title": "Get Set for Ziplines" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c242eddfaeb5bd13", "title": "Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd13", "title": "Build a Random Quote Machine" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd0f", "title": "Build a Pomodoro Clock" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd17", "title": "Build a JavaScript Calculator" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd10", "title": "Show the Local Weather" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd1f", "title": "Use the Twitch.tv JSON API" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd18", "title": "Stylize Stories on Camper News" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd19", "title": "Build a Wikipedia Viewer" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eedfaeb5bd1c", "title": "Build a Tic Tac Toe Game" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd1c", "title": "Build a Simon Game" }, { "id": "a2f1d72d9b908d0bd72bb9f6", "title": "Make a Person" }, { "id": "af4afb223120f7348cdfc9fd", "title": "Map the Debris" }, { "id": "a3f503de51cfab748ff001aa", "title": "Pairwise" }, { "id": "aff0395860f5d3034dc0bfc9", "title": "Validate US Telephone Numbers" }, { "id": "a3f503de51cf954ede28891d", "title": "Symmetric Difference" }, { "id": "aa2e6f85cab2ab736c9a9b24", "title": "Exact Change" }, { "id": "a56138aff60341a09ed6c480", "title": "Inventory Update" }, { "id": "a7bf700cd123b9a54eef01d5", "title": "No repeats please" }, { "id": "a19f0fbe1872186acd434d5a", "title": "Friendly Date Ranges" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bcef", "title": "Get Set for Basejumps" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bdef", "title": "Build a Voting App" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bdff", "title": "Build a Nightlife Coordination App" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bd0e", "title": "Chart the Stock Market" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bd0f", "title": "Manage a Book Trading Club" }, { "id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bdee", "title": "Build a Pinterest Clone" } ], "nameCn": "", "descriptionCn": [], "nameFr": "", "descriptionFr": [], "nameRu": "", "descriptionRu": [], "nameEs": "", "descriptionEs": [], "namePt": "", "descriptionPt": [] } ] }