const path = require('path'); const { buildChallenges, replaceChallengeNode, localeChallengesRootDir } = require('./utils/buildChallenges'); const { NODE_ENV: env, LOCALE: locale = 'english' } = process.env; const selectedGuideDir = `../${ env === 'production' ? 'guide' : 'mock-guide' }/${locale}`; const guideRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, selectedGuideDir); const curriculumIntroRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, './src/pages'); module.exports = { siteMetadata: { title: 'freeCodeCamp', siteUrl: '' }, proxy: { prefix: '/internal', url: 'http://localhost:3000' }, plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet', { resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-create-client-paths', options: { prefixes: [ '/certification/*', '/unsubscribed/*', '/user/*', '/settings/*', '/n/*' ] } }, { resolve: 'fcc-source-challenges', options: { name: 'challenges', source: buildChallenges, onSourceChange: replaceChallengeNode, curriculumPath: localeChallengesRootDir } }, { resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem', options: { name: 'guides', path: guideRoot } }, { resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem', options: { name: 'introductions', path: curriculumIntroRoot } }, { resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark', options: { plugins: [ 'gatsby-remark-fcc-forum-emoji', { resolve: 'gatsby-remark-prismjs', options: { // Class prefix for
 tags containing syntax highlighting;
              // defaults to 'language-' (eg 
              // If your site loads Prism into the browser at runtime,
              // (eg for use with libraries like react-live),
              // you may use this to prevent Prism from re-processing syntax.
              // This is an uncommon use-case though;
              // If you're unsure, it's best to use the default value.
              classPrefix: 'language-',
              // This is used to allow setting a language for inline code
              // (i.e. single backticks) by creating a separator.
              // This separator is a string and will do no white-space
              // stripping.
              // A suggested value for English speakers is the non-ascii
              // character '›'.
              inlineCodeMarker: null,
              // This lets you set up language aliases.  For example,
              // setting this to '{ sh: "bash" }' will let you use
              // the language "sh" which will highlight using the
              // bash highlighter.
              aliases: {}
      resolve: 'gatsby-remark-node-identity',
      options: {
        identity: 'guideMarkdown',
        predicate: ({ frontmatter }) => {
          if (!frontmatter) {
            return false;
          const { title, block, superBlock } = frontmatter;
          return title && !block && !superBlock;
      resolve: 'gatsby-remark-node-identity',
      options: {
        identity: 'blockIntroMarkdown',
        predicate: ({ frontmatter }) => {
          if (!frontmatter) {
            return false;
          const { title, block, superBlock } = frontmatter;
          return title && block && superBlock;
      resolve: 'gatsby-remark-node-identity',
      options: {
        identity: 'superBlockIntroMarkdown',
        predicate: ({ frontmatter }) => {
          if (!frontmatter) {
            return false;
          const { title, block, superBlock } = frontmatter;
          return title && !block && superBlock;
    { resolve: 'fcc-create-nav-data' },
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-manifest',
      options: {
        name: 'freeCodeCamp',
        /* eslint-disable camelcase */
        short_name: 'fCC',
        start_url: '/',
        theme_color: '#006400',
        background_color: '#fff',
        /* eslint-enable camelcase */
        display: 'minimal-ui',
        icon: 'src/images/square_puck.png'
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-google-fonts',
      options: {
        fonts: ['Lato:400,400i,500']