const crypto = require('crypto'); const { blockNameify } = require('../../../utils/block-nameify'); const createdIds = new Set(); function createChallengeNode( challenge, reporter, { isReloading } = { isReloading: false } ) { // challengeType 11 is for video challenges (they only have instructions) // challengeType 7 is for certificates (they only have tests) // challengeType 12 is for CodeAlly/CodeRoad challenge // TODO: either handle empty descriptions inside Gatsby OR ensure that // description defaults to '' when creating challenges. // ditto for seeds and instructions. // create-md should, then, not create empty seed, description or instruction // sections. if ( typeof challenge.description !== 'string' && challenge.challengeType !== 11 && challenge.challengeType !== 7 && challenge.challengeType !== 12 ) { reporter.warn(` ${challenge.title} has a description that will break things! `); } const contentDigest = crypto .createHash('md5') .update(JSON.stringify(challenge)) .digest('hex'); const internal = { contentDigest, type: challenge.challengeType === 7 ? 'CertificateNode' : 'ChallengeNode' }; if (internal.type === 'ChallengeNode') { const { tests = [], block, dashedName, superBlock } = challenge; const slug = `/learn/${superBlock}/${block}/${dashedName}`; challenge.fields = { slug, blockName: blockNameify(block), tests }; } // Challenge id should be unique for CertificateNodes, but not for // ChallengeNodes const id = internal.type === 'ChallengeNode' ? challenge.fields.slug :; if (createdIds.has(id) && !isReloading) { throw Error(` Challenge slugs must be unique, but ${id} already exists. `); } createdIds.add(id); return JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( Object.assign( {}, { children: [], parent: null, internal, sourceInstanceName: 'challenge' }, { challenge }, { id } ) ) ); } exports.createChallengeNode = createChallengeNode;