/* global describe xdescribe it expect */ import { isEqual, first, find } from 'lodash'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { mockReq, mockRes } from 'sinon-express-mock'; import { buildUserUpdate, buildChallengeUrl, createChallengeUrlResolver, createRedirectToCurrentChallenge, getFirstChallenge, isValidChallengeCompletion, createRedirectToLearn } from '../boot/challenge'; import { firstChallengeUrl, requestedChallengeUrl, mockChallenge, mockFirstChallenge, mockUser, mockApp, mockGetFirstChallenge, firstChallengeQuery, mockCompletedChallenge, mockCompletedChallenges, mockPathMigrationMap } from './fixtures'; describe('boot/challenge', () => { xdescribe('backendChallengeCompleted', () => {}); describe('buildUserUpdate', () => { it('returns an Object with a nested "completedChallenges" property', () => { const result = buildUserUpdate( mockUser, '123abc', mockCompletedChallenge, 'UTC' ); expect(result).toHaveProperty('updateData.$set.completedChallenges'); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('preserves file contents if the completed challenge is a JS Project', () => { const jsChallengeId = 'aa2e6f85cab2ab736c9a9b24'; const completedChallenge = { ...mockCompletedChallenge, completedDate: Date.now(), id: jsChallengeId }; const result = buildUserUpdate( mockUser, jsChallengeId, completedChallenge, 'UTC' ); const firstCompletedChallenge = first( result.updateData.$set.completedChallenges ); expect(firstCompletedChallenge).toEqual(completedChallenge); }); it('preserves the original completed date of a challenge', () => { const completedChallengeId = 'aaa48de84e1ecc7c742e1124'; const completedChallenge = { ...mockCompletedChallenge, completedDate: Date.now(), id: completedChallengeId }; const originalCompletion = find( mockCompletedChallenges, x => x.id === completedChallengeId ).completedDate; const result = buildUserUpdate( mockUser, completedChallengeId, completedChallenge, 'UTC' ); const firstCompletedChallenge = first( result.updateData.$set.completedChallenges ); expect(firstCompletedChallenge.completedDate).toEqual(originalCompletion); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('does not attempt to update progressTimestamps for a previously completed challenge', () => { const completedChallengeId = 'aaa48de84e1ecc7c742e1124'; const completedChallenge = { ...mockCompletedChallenge, completedDate: Date.now(), id: completedChallengeId }; const { updateData } = buildUserUpdate( mockUser, completedChallengeId, completedChallenge, 'UTC' ); const hasProgressTimestamps = '$push' in updateData && 'progressTimestamps' in updateData.$push; expect(hasProgressTimestamps).toBe(false); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('provides a progressTimestamps update for new challenge completion', () => { expect.assertions(2); const { updateData } = buildUserUpdate( mockUser, '123abc', mockCompletedChallenge, 'UTC' ); expect(updateData).toHaveProperty('$push'); expect(updateData.$push).toHaveProperty('progressTimestamps'); }); it('removes repeat completions from the completedChallenges array', () => { const completedChallengeId = 'aaa48de84e1ecc7c742e1124'; const completedChallenge = { ...mockCompletedChallenge, completedDate: Date.now(), id: completedChallengeId }; const { updateData: { $set: { completedChallenges } } } = buildUserUpdate( mockUser, completedChallengeId, completedChallenge, 'UTC' ); expect(completedChallenges.length).toEqual( mockCompletedChallenges.length ); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('adds newly completed challenges to the completedChallenges array', () => { const { updateData: { $set: { completedChallenges } } } = buildUserUpdate(mockUser, '123abc', mockCompletedChallenge, 'UTC'); expect(completedChallenges.length).toEqual( mockCompletedChallenges.length + 1 ); }); }); describe('buildChallengeUrl', () => { it('resolves the correct Url for the provided challenge', () => { const result = buildChallengeUrl(mockChallenge); expect(result).toEqual(requestedChallengeUrl); }); it('can handle non-url-compliant challenge names', () => { const challenge = { ...mockChallenge, superBlock: 'my awesome' }; const expected = '/learn/my-awesome/actual/challenge'; const result = buildChallengeUrl(challenge); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('challengeUrlResolver', () => { it('resolves to the first challenge url by default', async () => { const challengeUrlResolver = await createChallengeUrlResolver(mockApp, { _getFirstChallenge: mockGetFirstChallenge }); return challengeUrlResolver().then(url => { expect(url).toEqual(firstChallengeUrl); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('returns the first challenge url if the provided id does not relate to a challenge', async () => { const challengeUrlResolver = await createChallengeUrlResolver(mockApp, { _getFirstChallenge: mockGetFirstChallenge }); return challengeUrlResolver('not-a-real-challenge').then(url => { expect(url).toEqual(firstChallengeUrl); }); }); it('resolves the correct url for the requested challenge', async () => { const challengeUrlResolver = await createChallengeUrlResolver(mockApp, { _getFirstChallenge: mockGetFirstChallenge }); return challengeUrlResolver('123abc').then(url => { expect(url).toEqual(requestedChallengeUrl); }); }); }); describe('getFirstChallenge', () => { const createMockChallengeModel = success => success ? { findOne(query, cb) { return isEqual(query, firstChallengeQuery) ? cb(null, mockFirstChallenge) : cb(new Error('no challenge found')); } } : { findOne(_, cb) { return cb(new Error('no challenge found')); } }; it('returns the correct challenge url from the model', async () => { const result = await getFirstChallenge(createMockChallengeModel(true)); expect(result).toEqual(firstChallengeUrl); }); it('returns the learn base if no challenges found', async () => { const result = await getFirstChallenge(createMockChallengeModel(false)); expect(result).toEqual('/learn'); }); }); describe('isValidChallengeCompletion', () => { const validObjectId = '5c716d1801013c3ce3aa23e6'; it('declares a 403 for an invalid id in the body', () => { expect.assertions(3); const req = mockReq({ body: { id: 'not-a-real-id' } }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); isValidChallengeCompletion(req, res, next); expect(res.status.called).toBe(true); expect(res.status.getCall(0).args[0]).toBe(403); expect(next.called).toBe(false); }); it('declares a 403 for an invalid challengeType in the body', () => { expect.assertions(3); const req = mockReq({ body: { id: validObjectId, challengeType: 'ponyfoo' } }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); isValidChallengeCompletion(req, res, next); expect(res.status.called).toBe(true); expect(res.status.getCall(0).args[0]).toBe(403); expect(next.called).toBe(false); }); it('declares a 403 for an invalid solution in the body', () => { expect.assertions(3); const req = mockReq({ body: { id: validObjectId, challengeType: '1', solution: 'https://not-a-url' } }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); isValidChallengeCompletion(req, res, next); expect(res.status.called).toBe(true); expect(res.status.getCall(0).args[0]).toBe(403); expect(next.called).toBe(false); }); it('calls next if the body is valid', () => { const req = mockReq({ body: { id: validObjectId, challengeType: '1', solution: 'https://www.freecodecamp.org' } }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); isValidChallengeCompletion(req, res, next); expect(next.called).toBe(true); }); it('calls next if only the id is provided', () => { const req = mockReq({ body: { id: validObjectId } }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); isValidChallengeCompletion(req, res, next); expect(next.called).toBe(true); }); it('can handle an "int" challengeType', () => { const req = mockReq({ body: { id: validObjectId, challengeType: 1 } }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); isValidChallengeCompletion(req, res, next); expect(next.called).toBe(true); }); }); xdescribe('modernChallengeCompleted', () => {}); xdescribe('projectCompleted', () => {}); describe('redirectToCurrentChallenge', () => { const mockHomeLocation = 'https://www.example.com'; const mockLearnUrl = `${mockHomeLocation}/learn`; it('redirects to the learn base url for non-users', async done => { const redirectToCurrentChallenge = createRedirectToCurrentChallenge( () => {}, { _homeLocation: mockHomeLocation, _learnUrl: mockLearnUrl } ); const req = mockReq(); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); await redirectToCurrentChallenge(req, res, next); expect(res.redirect.calledWith(mockLearnUrl)); done(); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('redirects to the url provided by the challengeUrlResolver', async done => { const challengeUrlResolver = await createChallengeUrlResolver(mockApp, { _getFirstChallenge: mockGetFirstChallenge }); const expectedUrl = `${mockHomeLocation}${requestedChallengeUrl}`; const redirectToCurrentChallenge = createRedirectToCurrentChallenge( challengeUrlResolver, { _homeLocation: mockHomeLocation, _learnUrl: mockLearnUrl } ); const req = mockReq({ user: mockUser }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); await redirectToCurrentChallenge(req, res, next); expect(res.redirect.calledWith(expectedUrl)).toBe(true); done(); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('redirects to the first challenge for users without a currentChallengeId', async done => { const challengeUrlResolver = await createChallengeUrlResolver(mockApp, { _getFirstChallenge: mockGetFirstChallenge }); const redirectToCurrentChallenge = createRedirectToCurrentChallenge( challengeUrlResolver, { _homeLocation: mockHomeLocation, _learnUrl: mockLearnUrl } ); const req = mockReq({ user: { ...mockUser, currentChallengeId: '' } }); const res = mockRes(); const next = sinon.spy(); await redirectToCurrentChallenge(req, res, next); const expectedUrl = `${mockHomeLocation}${firstChallengeUrl}`; expect(res.redirect.calledWith(expectedUrl)).toBe(true); done(); }); }); describe('redirectToLearn', () => { const mockHome = 'https://example.com'; const mockLearn = 'https://example.com/learn'; const redirectToLearn = createRedirectToLearn( mockPathMigrationMap, mockHome, mockLearn ); it('redirects to learn by default', () => { const req = mockReq({ path: '/challenges' }); const res = mockRes(); redirectToLearn(req, res); expect(res.redirect.calledWith(mockLearn)).toBe(true); }); it('maps to the correct redirect if the path matches a challenge', () => { const req = mockReq({ path: '/challenges/challenge-two' }); const res = mockRes(); const expectedRedirect = 'https://example.com/learn/superblock/block/challenge-two'; redirectToLearn(req, res); expect(res.redirect.calledWith(expectedRedirect)).toBe(true); }); }); });