--- id: 5a24c314108439a4d4036159 title: Use the Spread Operator on Arrays challengeType: 6 isRequired: false videoUrl: '' localeTitle: 在阵列上使用Spread Operator --- ## Description
ES6的一个解决方案是帮助在Redux中强制执行状态不变性,它是扩展运算符: ...扩展运算符具有各种应用程序,其中一个非常适合于从现有阵列生成新阵列的先前挑战。这是相对较新的,但常用的语法。例如,如果你有一个数组myArray并且写: let newArray = [...myArray]; newArray现在是myArray的克隆。两个阵列仍然分别存在于内存中。如果你执行像newArray.push(5)这样的变异, myArray不会改变。 ...有效地 myArray的值展开到一个新数组中。要克隆数组但在新数组中添加其他值,可以编写[...myArray, 'new value'] 。这将返回一个由myArray中的值和字符串'new value'组成的新数组作为最后一个值。扩展语法可以像这样在数组组合中多次使用,但重要的是要注意它只是生成数组的浅表副本。也就是说,它只为一维数组提供不可变的数组操作。
## Instructions
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: 'Redux存储应该存在并初始化为等于[Do not mutate state!] 。' testString: 'assert((function() { const initialState = store.getState(); return ( Array.isArray(initialState) === true && initialState[0] === "Do not mutate state!"); })(), "The Redux store should exist and initialize with a state equal to [Do not mutate state!].");' - text: addToDoimmutableReducer都应该是函数。 testString: 'assert(typeof addToDo === "function" && typeof immutableReducer === "function", "addToDo and immutableReducer both should be functions.");' - text: 在Redux存储上调度ADD_TO_DO类型的操作应该添加todo ,不应该改变状态。 testString: 'assert((function() { const initialState = store.getState(); const isFrozen = DeepFreeze(initialState); store.dispatch(addToDo("__TEST__TO__DO__")); const finalState = store.getState(); const expectedState = [ "Do not mutate state!", "__TEST__TO__DO__" ]; return( isFrozen && DeepEqual(finalState, expectedState)); })(), "Dispatching an action of type ADD_TO_DO on the Redux store should add a todo item and should NOT mutate state.");' - text: 应使用扩展运算符返回新状态。 testString: 'getUserInput => assert(getUserInput("index").includes("...state"), "The spread operator should be used to return new state.");' ```
## Challenge Seed
```jsx const immutableReducer = (state = ['Do not mutate state!'], action) => { switch(action.type) { case 'ADD_TO_DO': // don't mutate state here or the tests will fail return default: return state; } }; const addToDo = (todo) => { return { type: 'ADD_TO_DO', todo } } const store = Redux.createStore(immutableReducer); ```
## Solution
```js // solution required ```