const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const { createChallengeNode } = require('./create-challenge-nodes'); exports.sourceNodes = function sourceChallengesSourceNodes( { actions, reporter }, pluginOptions ) { const { source, onSourceChange, curriculumPath } = pluginOptions; if (typeof source !== 'function') { reporter.panic(` "source" is a required option for fcc-source-challenges. It must be a function that delivers challenge objects to the plugin `); } if (typeof onSourceChange !== 'function') { reporter.panic(` "onSourceChange" is a required option for fcc-source-challenges. It must be a function that delivers a new challenge object to the plugin `); } if (typeof curriculumPath !== 'string') { reporter.panic(` "curriculumPath" is a required option for fcc-source-challenges. It must be a path to a curriculum directory `); } const { createNode } = actions; const watcher =, { ignored: /(^|[\/\\])\../, persistent: true, usePolling: true, cwd: curriculumPath }); watcher.on('change', filePath => /\.md?$/.test(filePath) ? onSourceChange(filePath) .then(challenge => { ` File changed at ${filePath}, replacing challengeNode id ${} ` ); createVisibleChallenge(challenge); }) .catch(e => reporter.error(`fcc-replace-challenge attempting to replace ${filePath} ${e.message} `) ) : null ); function sourceAndCreateNodes() { return source() .then(challenges => Promise.all(challenges)) .then(challenges => => createVisibleChallenge(challenge)) ) .catch(e => { console.log(e); reporter.panic(`fcc-source-challenges ${e.message} `); }); } function createVisibleChallenge(challenge) { createNode(createChallengeNode(challenge, reporter)); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { watcher.on('ready', () => sourceAndCreateNodes().then(resolve, reject)); }); };