import { Observable } from 'rx'; import debug from 'debug'; import { observeMethod, observeQuery } from '../../server/utils/rx'; import { createUserUpdatesFromProfile, getSocialProvider } from '../../server/utils/auth'; const log = debug('fcc:models:UserCredential'); module.exports = function(UserCredential) { = function( userId, _provider, authScheme, profile, credentials, options = {}, cb ) { if (typeof options === 'function' && !cb) { cb = options; options = {}; } const User =; const findCred = observeMethod(UserCredential, 'findOne'); const createCred = observeMethod(UserCredential, 'create'); const provider = getSocialProvider(_provider); const query = { where: { provider: provider, externalId: } }; // find createCred if they exist // if not create it // if yes, update credentials // also if github // update profile // update username // update picture log('link query', query); return findCred(query) .flatMap(_credentials => { const modified = new Date(); const updateUser = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { User.find({ id: userId }, (err, user) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } return user.updateAttributes( createUserUpdatesFromProfile(provider, profile), updateErr => { if (updateErr) { return reject(updateErr); } return resolve(); } ); }); }); let updateCredentials; if (!_credentials) { updateCredentials = createCred({ provider, externalId:, authScheme, // we no longer want to keep the profile // this is information we do not need or use profile: null, credentials, userId, created: modified, modified }); } else { _credentials.credentials = credentials; updateCredentials = observeQuery(_credentials, 'updateAttributes', { profile: null, credentials, modified }); } return Observable.combineLatest( Observable.fromPromise(updateUser), updateCredentials, (_, credentials) => credentials ); }) .subscribe(credentials => cb(null, credentials), cb); }; };