var moment = require('moment'), Nonprofit = require('./../models/Nonprofit'), resources = require('./resources'); exports.nonprofitsDirectory = function(req, res, next) { Nonprofit.find({estimatedHours: { $gt: 0 } }, function(err, nonprofits) { if (err) { return next(err); } res.render('nonprofits/directory', { title: 'Nonprofits we help', nonprofits: nonprofits }); }); }; exports.areYouWithARegisteredNonprofit = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/are-you-with-a-registered-nonprofit', { title: 'Are you with a with a registered nonprofit', step: 1 }); }; exports.areTherePeopleThatAreAlreadyBenefitingFromYourServices = function(req, res) { res.render( 'nonprofits/' + 'are-there-people-that-are-already-benefiting-from-your-services', { title: 'Are there people already benefiting from your services', step: 2 } ); }; exports.okWithJavaScript = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/ok-with-javascript', { title: 'Are you OK with us using JavaScript', step: 3 }); }; exports.inExchangeWeAsk = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/in-exchange-we-ask', { title: 'In exchange we ask that you ...', step: 4 }); }; exports.howCanFreeCodeCampHelpYou = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/how-can-free-code-camp-help-you', { title: 'Are you with a with a registered nonprofit', step: 5 }); }; exports.whatDoesYourNonprofitDo = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/what-does-your-nonprofit-do', { existingParams: req.params, title: 'What does your nonprofit do?', step: 6 }); }; exports.linkUsToYourWebsite = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/link-us-to-your-website', { title: 'Link us to your website', step: 7 }); }; exports.tellUsYourEmail = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/tell-us-your-email', { title: 'Tell us your email', step: 8 }); }; exports.tellUsYourName = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/tell-us-your-name', { title: 'Tell us your name', step: 9 }); }; exports.yourNonprofitProjectApplicationHasBeenSubmitted = function(req, res) { res.render( 'nonprofits/your-nonprofit-project-application-has-been-submitted', { title: 'Your Nonprofit Project application has been submitted!', step: 10, getBackDay: moment().weekday(5).format('dddd') } ); }; exports.otherSolutions = function(req, res) { res.render('nonprofits/other-solutions', { title: 'Here are some other possible solutions for you' }); }; exports.returnIndividualNonprofit = function(req, res, next) { var dashedName = req.params.nonprofitName; var nonprofitName = dashedName.replace(/\-/g, ' '); Nonprofit.find( { name: new RegExp(nonprofitName, 'i') }, function(err, nonprofit) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (nonprofit.length < 1) { req.flash('errors', { msg: "404: We couldn't find a nonprofit with that name. " + 'Please double check the name.' }); return res.redirect('/nonprofits'); } nonprofit = nonprofit.pop(); var dashedNameFull =\s/g, '-'); if (dashedNameFull !== dashedName) { return res.redirect('../nonprofit/' + dashedNameFull); } var buttonActive = false; if (req.user) { if (req.user.uncompletedBonfires.length === 0) { if (req.user.completedCoursewares.length > 63) { var hasShownInterest = nonprofit.interestedCampers.filter(function ( obj ) { return obj.username === req.user.profile.username; }); if (hasShownInterest.length === 0) { buttonActive = true; } } } } res.render('nonprofits/show', { dashedName: dashedNameFull, title:, logoUrl: nonprofit.logoUrl, estimatedHours: nonprofit.estimatedHours, projectDescription: nonprofit.projectDescription, approvedOther: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('other') > -1, approvedWebsite: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('website') > -1, approvedDonor: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('donor') > -1, approvedInventory: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('inventory') > -1, approvedVolunteer: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('volunteer') > -1, approvedForm: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('form') > -1, approvedCommunity: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('community') > -1, approvedELearning: nonprofit.approvedDeliverables.indexOf('eLearning') > -1, websiteLink: nonprofit.websiteLink, imageUrl: nonprofit.imageUrl, whatDoesNonprofitDo: nonprofit.whatDoesNonprofitDo, interestedCampers: nonprofit.interestedCampers, assignedCampers: nonprofit.assignedCampers, buttonActive: buttonActive, currentStatus: nonprofit.currentStatus }); } ); }; exports.showAllNonprofits = function(req, res) { var data = {}; data.nonprofitsList = resources.allNonprofitNames(); res.send(data); }; exports.interestedInNonprofit = function(req, res, next) { if (req.user) { Nonprofit.findOne( { name: new RegExp(req.params.nonprofitName.replace(/-/, ' '), 'i') }, function(err, nonprofit) { if (err) { return next(err); } nonprofit.interestedCampers.push({ username: req.user.profile.username, picture: req.user.profile.picture, timeOfInterest: }); { if (err) { return next(err); } req.flash('success', { msg: 'Thanks for expressing interest in this nonprofit project! ' + "We've added you to this project as an interested camper!" }); res.redirect('back'); }); } ); } };