## freeCodeCamp Curriculum This package contains the "seed" files used in the freeCodeCamp Curriculum. ### Installation ```sh npm i @freecodecamp/curriculum # or yarn add @freecodecamp/curriculum ``` ### Usage ```js import { getChallenges } from '@freecodecamp/curriculum'; getChallenges() // will provide an array of blocks i.e. basic CSS, functional programming ``` #### `block` Structure ```json { "name": "ES6", "order": 2, "time": "5 hours", "helpRoom": "Help", "challenges": [/**/], "fileName": "02-javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/es6.json", "superBlock": "javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures", "superOrder": 2 } ``` #### `challenge` Structure ```json { "id": "ObjectId()", "title": "Declare a Read-Only Variable with the const Keyword", "description": [ "A Description of the challenge and what is required to pass" ], "tests": [ { "text": "should return \"foo\"", "testString": "a stringified function using Chai asserts" } ], "challengeType": 1, "translations": {}, "files": { "indexjs": { "key": "indexjs", "ext": "js", "name": "index", "contents": [ "Initial editor seed" ], "head": [ "A place for test set up", "Can be thought of as mocha's beforeEach()" ], "tail": [ "A place for test tear down", "Can be thought of as mocha's afterEach()" ] } } }, ```