/* global cy */ describe('Top contributor in user profile', () => { before(() => { cy.clearCookies(); cy.exec('npm run seed -- --top-contributor'); }); after(() => { cy.exec('npm run seed'); }); beforeEach(() => { cy.login(); cy.contains('Profile').click({ force: true }); // The following line is only required if you want to test it in development // cy.contains('Preview custom 404 page').click(); }); it('Should show `Top Contributor` text with badge', () => { cy.contains('Top Contributor') .parent() .within(() => { cy.contains('Top Contributor').should('be.visible'); cy.get('svg').should('be.visible'); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len it('Should take user to `Top Contributor` page when `Top Contributor` gets clicked', () => { cy.contains('Top Contributor').should( 'have.attr', 'href', '/top-contributors' ); }); it('Should show years when it was achieved', () => { cy.contains('2017, 2018 and 2019').should('be.visible'); }); });