const selectors = { donateAlert: { firstText: '.alert-info p:first-child', secondText: '.alert-info p:last-child', link: '.alert-info a' } }; describe('Donate page', () => { before(() => { cy.clearCookies(); cy.exec('npm run seed -- --donor'); cy.login(); cy.visit('/donate'); }); after(() => { cy.exec('npm run seed'); }); it('Donor alert should be visible for donor', () => { cy.get('.alert-info').should('be.visible'); }); it('Donor should see alert message', () => { cy.contains( selectors.donateAlert.firstText, 'Thank you for being a supporter of freeCodeCamp. You currently have a recurring donation.' ); cy.contains( selectors.donateAlert.lastText, "Want to make a bigger one-time donation, mail us a check, or give in other ways? Here are many other ways you can support our non-profit's mission." ); }); it('Donor alert section should have donation link', () => { cy.get( 'have.attr', 'href', '' ); }); });