--- title: Functions --- ## PHP Functions Introduction A function is a block of statements that can be used repeatedly in a program. ### Simple Function + Call ```php function say_hello() { return "Hello!"; } echo say_hello(); ``` ### Simple Function + Parameter + Call ```php function say_hello($friend) { return "Hello " . $friend . "!"; } echo say_hello('Tommy'); ``` ### strtoupper - Makes all Chars BIGGER AND BIGGER! ```php function makeItBIG($a_lot_of_names) { foreach($a_lot_of_names as $the_simpsons) { $BIG[] = strtoupper($the_simpsons); } return $BIG; } $a_lot_of_names = ['Homer', 'Marge', 'Bart', 'Maggy', 'Lisa']; var_dump(makeItBIG($a_lot_of_names)); ``` #### More Information: * php.net user defined functions manual