--- title: Ruby Number Methods --- Ruby provides a variety of built-in methods you may use on numbers. The following is an incomplete list of integer and float methods. ## Even: Use `.even?` to check whether or not an **integer** is even. Returns a `true` or `false` **boolean**. ```Ruby 15.even? #=> false 4.even? #=> true ``` ## Odd: Use `.odd?` to check whether or not an **integer** is odd. Returns a `true` or `false` **boolean**. ```Ruby 15.odd? #=> true 4.odd? #=> false ``` ## Ceil: The `.ceil` method rounds **floats** **up** to the nearest number. Returns an **integer**. ```Ruby 8.3.ceil #=> 9 6.7.ceil #=> 7 ``` ## Floor: The `.floor` method rounds **floats** **down** to the nearest number. Returns an **integer**. ```Ruby 8.3.floor #=> 8 6.7.floor #=> 6 ``` ## Next: Use `.next` to return the next consecutive **integer**. ```Ruby 15.next #=> 16 2.next #=> 3 -4.next #=> -3 ``` ## Pred: Use `.pred` to return the previous consecutive **integer**. ```Ruby 15.pred #=> 14 2.pred #=> 1 (-4).pred #=> -5 ``` ## To String: Using `.to_s` on a number (**integer**, **floats**, etc.) returns a string of that number. ```Ruby 15.to_s #=> "15" 3.4.to_s #=> "3.4" ``` ## To Float: Converts an Integer to a Float. ```Ruby 15.to_f #=> 15.0 ``` ## Absolute value: Returns the absolute value of the integer. ```Ruby -12345.abs #=> 12345 12345.abs #=> 12345 ``` ## Greatest Common Denominator: The `.gcd` method provides the greatest common divisor (always positive) of two numbers. Returns an **integer**. ```Ruby 15.gcd(5) #=> 5 3.gcd(-7) #=> 1 ``` ## Round: Use `.round` to return a rounded **integer** or **float**. ```Ruby 1.round #=> 1 1.round(2) #=> 1.0 15.round(-1) #=> 20 ``` ## Times: Use `.times` to iterate the given block ```int``` times. ```Ruby 5.times do |i| print i, " " end #=> 0 1 2 3 4 ```