--- id: 587d7fb2367417b2b2512bf6 title: Get Query Parameter Input from the Client challengeType: 2 forumTopicId: 301512 --- ## Description
Another common way to get input from the client is by encoding the data after the route path, using a query string. The query string is delimited by a question mark (?), and includes field=value couples. Each couple is separated by an ampersand (&). Express can parse the data from the query string, and populate the object req.query. Some characters, like the percent (%), cannot be in URLs and have to be encoded in a different format before you can send them. If you use the API from JavaScript, you can use specific methods to encode/decode these characters.
route_path: '/library'
actual_request_URL: '/library?userId=546&bookId=6754'
req.query: {userId: '546', bookId: '6754'}
## Instructions
Build an API endpoint, mounted at GET /name. Respond with a JSON document, taking the structure { name: 'firstname lastname'}. The first and last name parameters should be encoded in a query string e.g. ?first=firstname&last=lastname. Note: In the following exercise you are going to receive data from a POST request, at the same /name route path. If you want, you can use the method app.route(path).get(handler).post(handler). This syntax allows you to chain different verb handlers on the same path route. You can save a bit of typing, and have cleaner code.
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: 'Test 1 : Your API endpoint should respond with the correct name' testString: 'getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput(''url'') + ''/name?first=Mick&last=Jagger'').then(data => { assert.equal(data.name, ''Mick Jagger'', ''Test 1: "GET /name" route does not behave as expected'') }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.responseText); })' - text: 'Test 2 : Your API endpoint should respond with the correct name' testString: 'getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput(''url'') + ''/name?last=Richards&first=Keith'').then(data => { assert.equal(data.name, ''Keith Richards'', ''Test 2: "GET /name" route does not behave as expected'') }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.responseText); })' ```
## Challenge Seed
## Solution
```js /** Backend challenges don't need solutions, because they would need to be tested against a full working project. Please check our contributing guidelines to learn more. */ ```