--- title: Accessing Nested Arrays --- ## Accessing Nested Arrays ### Accessing elements within an array using bracket notation `[]` ```js var fruitBasket = ['apple', 'banana' 'orange', 'melon']; var favoriteFruit = fruitBasket[2]; console.log(favoriteFruit) // 'orange' ``` In this example, our favourite fruit is 'orange' which is at index `2` in the `fruitBasket` array. Using braket notation, we assign index `2` of the `fruitBasket` array to `favoriteFruit`. This makes `favoriteFruit` equal to 'orange'. ### Accessing objects within arrays using braket `[]` and dot `.` notation ```js var garage = [ { type: 'car', color: 'red', make: 'Ford' }, { type: 'motorbike', color: 'black', make: 'Yamaha' }, { type: 'bus', color: 'yellow', make: 'Blue Bird' } ]; var busColor = garage[2].color; // 'yellow' ``` ## Solution: ```js // Setup var myPlants = [ { type: "flowers", list: [ "rose", "tulip", "dandelion" ] }, { type: "trees", list: [ "fir", "pine", "birch" ] } ]; // Only change code below this line var secondTree = myPlants[1].list[1]; ```