/* global cy */ const locations = { index: 'learn/apis-and-microservices/managing-packages-with-npm/' + 'how-to-use-package-json-the-core-of-any-node-js-project-or-npm-package' }; const selectors = { defaultOutput: '.output-text', input: 'input[name="solution"]' }; const unhandledErrorMessage = 'Something is not quite right'; const runningOutput = '// running tests'; const finishedOutput = '// tests completed'; describe('Backend challenge', function() { it('renders', () => { cy.visit(locations.index); cy.title().should( 'eq', 'Managing Packages with Npm - How to Use package.json, the Core of Any' + ' Node.js Project or npm Package | Learn | freeCodeCamp.org' ); }); it('does not generate unhandled errors on submission', () => { cy.visit(locations.index); cy.get(selectors.input) .type('https://example.com') .type('{enter}') .then(() => { cy.get(selectors.defaultOutput) .contains(runningOutput) .contains(finishedOutput); cy.contains(unhandledErrorMessage).should('not.exist'); }); }); });