const visit = require('unist-util-visit'); const YAML = require('js-yaml'); const unified = require('unified'); const markdown = require('remark-parse'); const remark2rehype = require('remark-rehype'); const html = require('rehype-stringify'); const raw = require('rehype-raw'); const processor = unified() .use(markdown) .use(remark2rehype, { allowDangerousHTML: true }) .use(raw) .use(html); function mdToHTML(str) { return processor.processSync(str).toString(); } function plugin() { return transformer; function transformer(tree, file) { visit(tree, 'code', visitor); function visitor(node) { const { lang, value } = node; if (lang === 'yml') { const tests = YAML.load(value); if (tests.question) { // mdToHTML can not parse numbers. If an answer is a number // (i.e. 5, not '5') it has to be converted. tests.question.answers = => mdToHTML(answer.toString()) ); tests.question.text = mdToHTML(tests.question.text); } = {, ...tests }; } } } } module.exports = plugin; module.exports.mdToHTML = mdToHTML;