--- title: JSON Parse --- ## JSON Parse The `JSON.parse()` method parses a string and construct a new object described by a string. #### Syntax: ```javascript JSON.parse(text [, reviver]) ``` ##### Parameters: `text` The string to parse as JSON `reviver`(Optional) The function will receive `key` and `value` as arguments. This function can be used to tranform the result value. Here is an example on how to use `JSON.parse()`: ```javascript var data = '{"foo": "bar"}'; console.log(data.foo); // This will print `undefined` since `data` is of type string and has no property named as `foo` // You can use JSON.parse to create a new JSON object from the given string var convertedData = JSON.parse(data); console.log(convertedData.foo); // This will print `bar ``` Repl.it Demo Here is an example with `reviver`: ```javascript var data = '{"value": 5}'; var result = JSON.parse(data, function(key, value) { if (typeof value === 'number') { return value * 10; } return value; }); // Original Data console.log("Original Data:", data); // This will print Original Data: {"value": 5} // Result after parsing console.log("Parsed Result: ", result); // This will print Parsed Result: { value: 50 } ``` In the above example, all numberic values are being multipled by `10` - Repl.it Demo #### More Information: JSON.parse - MDN