> **Observação:** esta é uma etapa **opcional** e é necessária somente quando trabalhando com fluxos de e-mail - [Introdução](#introduction) - [Instalando o MailHog](#installing-mailhog) - [Usando o MailHog](#using-mailhog) - [Links úteis](#useful-links) ## Introdução Alguns fluxos de e-mail, como atualizar o e-mail de um usuário, requerem que o servidor da api do back-end envie e-mails de saída. O MailHog é uma alternativa para quem não quer usar um provedor de serviços de e-mail para enviar mensagens de e-mail de verdade. Ele é uma ferramenta de desenvolvedores para o teste de e-mails que receberá mensagens de e-mail de sua instância do freeCodecamp. ## Instalando o MailHog O MailHog pode ser instalado no macOS, Windows e Linux ou usado via Docker
Instalando o MailHog no Docker Se você tem o Docker instalado, então você pode usar ```bash docker run -d --name mailhog --network host --rm mailhog/mailhog ``` para iniciar o MailHog em segundo plano e ```bash docker stop mailhog ``` para para-lo. Quando a instalação for concluída, você pode começar a [usar o MailHog](#using-mailhog).
Installing MailHog on macOS Install MailHog on macOS with [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/): ```bash brew install mailhog brew services start mailhog ``` The above commands will start a mailhog service in the background. When the installation completes, you can start [using MailHog](#using-mailhog).
Installing MailHog on Windows Download the latest version of MailHog from [MailHog's official repository](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog/releases). Locate and click on the link for your Windows version (32 or 64 bit) and a .exe file will be downloaded to your computer. When the download completes, click to open the file. A Windows firewall notification may appear, requesting access permission for MailHog. A standard Windows command line prompt will open where MailHog will be running once firewall access is granted. Close MailHog by closing the command prompt window. To start MailHog again, click on the MailHog executable (.exe) file that was downloaded initially - it is not necessary to download a new MailHog installation file. Start [using MailHog](#using-mailhog).
Installing MailHog on Linux First, install [Go](https://golang.org). Run the following commands to install GO on Debian-based systems like Ubuntu and Linux Mint. ```bash sudo apt-get install golang ``` Run the following commands to install GO on RPM-based systems like CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat Linux, etc. ```bash sudo dnf install golang ``` Alternatively, run the following commands to install GO. ```bash sudo yum install golang ``` Now set the path for Go with the following commands. ```bash echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go" >> ~/.profile echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin' >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile ``` Finally, enter the commands below to install and run MailHog. ```bash go get github.com/mailhog/MailHog sudo cp /home/$(whoami)/go/bin/MailHog /usr/local/bin/mailhog mailhog ``` Start [using MailHog](#using-mailhog).
## Usando o MailHog Open a new browser tab or window and navigate to [http://localhost:8025](http://localhost:8025) to open your MailHog inbox when the MailHog installation has completed and MailHog is running. The inbox will appear similar to the screenshot below. ![MailHog Screenshot 1](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/images/mailhog/1.jpg) Emails sent by your freeCodeCamp installation will appear as below ![MailHog Screenshot 2](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/images/mailhog/2.jpg) Two tabs that allow you to view either plain text or source content will be available when you open a given email. Ensure that the plain text tab is selected as below. ![MailHog Screenshot 3](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/images/mailhog/3.jpg) All links in the email should be clickable and resolve to their URL. ## Links úteis - Confira o repositório [MailHog](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog) para mais informações relacionadas ao MailHog. Informações adicionais também estão disponíveis sobre configurações personalizadas do MailHog.