$(document).ready(function() { function init() { var firepadRef = getExampleRef(); var ref = new Firebase('scorching-heat-2873.firebaseIO.com'); var codeMirror = CodeMirror(document.getElementById('firepad-container'), { lineNumbers: true, mode: 'javascript' }); var firepad = Firepad.fromCodeMirror(firepadRef, codeMirror, { defaultText: '// JavaScript Editing with Firepad!\\nfunction go() {\n var message = "Hello, world.";\n console.log(message);\n}' }); } function getExampleRef() { var ref = new Firebase('https://firepad.firebaseio-demo.com'); var hash = window.location.hash.replace(/#/g, ''); if (hash) { ref = ref.child(hash); } else { ref = ref.push(); // generate unique location. window.location = window.location + '#' + ref.name(); // add it as a hash to the URL. } if (typeof console !== 'undefined') console.log('Firebase data: ', ref.toString()); return ref; } init(); var chatRef = new Firebase('https://scorching-heat-2873.firebaseio.com/chat'); var auth = new FirebaseSimpleLogin(chatRef, function(err, user) { console.log("HEY!") if (user) { var chat = new FirechatUI(chatRef, document.getElementById('firechat-wrapper')); chat.setUser(user.uid, user.displayName); } }); });