import _ from 'lodash'; import { Observable } from 'rx'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import passport from 'passport'; import { isEmail } from 'validator'; import { check } from 'express-validator/check'; import { homeLocation } from '../../../config/env'; import { createCookieConfig } from '../utils/cookieConfig'; import { createPassportCallbackAuthenticator } from '../component-passport'; import { ifUserRedirectTo, ifNoUserRedirectTo, createValidatorErrorHandler } from '../utils/middleware'; import { wrapHandledError } from '../utils/create-handled-error.js'; const isSignUpDisabled = !!process.env.DISABLE_SIGNUP; if (isSignUpDisabled) { console.log('fcc:boot:auth - Sign up is disabled'); } module.exports = function enableAuthentication(app) { // enable loopback access control authentication. see: // app.enableAuth(); const ifUserRedirect = ifUserRedirectTo(); const ifNoUserRedirectHome = ifNoUserRedirectTo(homeLocation); const api = app.loopback.Router(); const { AuthToken, User } = app.models; api.get('/signin', ifUserRedirect, passport.authenticate('auth0-login', {})); api.get( '/auth/auth0/callback', createPassportCallbackAuthenticator('auth0-login', { provider: 'auth0' }) ); api.get('/signout', (req, res) => { req.logout(); req.session.destroy(err => { if (err) { throw wrapHandledError(new Error('could not destroy session'), { type: 'info', message: 'Oops, something is not right.', redirectTo: homeLocation }); } const config = createCookieConfig(req); res.clearCookie('jwt_access_token', config); res.clearCookie('access_token', config); res.clearCookie('userId', config); res.clearCookie('_csrf', config); res.redirect(homeLocation); }); }); const defaultErrorMsg = dedent` Oops, something is not right, please request a fresh link to sign in / sign up. `; const passwordlessGetValidators = [ check('email') .isBase64() .withMessage('Email should be a base64 encoded string.'), check('token') .exists() .withMessage('Token should exist.') // based on strongloop/loopback/common/models/access-token.js#L15 .isLength({ min: 64, max: 64 }) .withMessage('Token is not the right length.') ]; function getPasswordlessAuth(req, res, next) { const { query: { email: encodedEmail, token: authTokenId, emailChange } = {} } = req; const email = User.decodeEmail(encodedEmail); if (!isEmail(email)) { return next( wrapHandledError(new TypeError('decoded email is invalid'), { type: 'info', message: 'The email encoded in the link is incorrectly formatted', redirectTo: `${homeLocation}/signin` }) ); } // first find return ( AuthToken.findOne$({ where: { id: authTokenId } }) .flatMap(authToken => { if (!authToken) { throw wrapHandledError( new Error(`no token found for id: ${authTokenId}`), { type: 'info', message: defaultErrorMsg, redirectTo: `${homeLocation}/signin` } ); } // find user then validate and destroy email validation token // finally retun user instance return User.findOne$({ where: { id: authToken.userId } }).flatMap( user => { if (!user) { throw wrapHandledError( new Error(`no user found for token: ${authTokenId}`), { type: 'info', message: defaultErrorMsg, redirectTo: `${homeLocation}/signin` } ); } if ( !== email) { if (!emailChange || (emailChange && user.newEmail !== email)) { throw wrapHandledError( new Error('user email does not match'), { type: 'info', message: defaultErrorMsg, redirectTo: `${homeLocation}/signin` } ); } } return authToken .validate$() .map(isValid => { if (!isValid) { throw wrapHandledError(new Error('token is invalid'), { type: 'info', message: ` Looks like the link you clicked has expired, please request a fresh link, to sign in. `, redirectTo: `${homeLocation}/signin` }); } return authToken.destroy$(); }) .map(() => user); } ); }) // at this point token has been validated and destroyed // update user and log them in .map(user => user.loginByRequest(req, res)) .do(() => { req.flash( 'success', 'Success! You have signed in to your account. Happy Coding!' ); return res.redirectWithFlash(`${homeLocation}/welcome`); }) .subscribe(() => {}, next) ); } api.get( '/passwordless-auth', ifUserRedirect, passwordlessGetValidators, createValidatorErrorHandler('errors', `${homeLocation}/signin`), getPasswordlessAuth ); api.get('/passwordless-change', (req, res) => res.redirect(301, '/confirm-email') ); api.get( '/confirm-email', ifNoUserRedirectHome, passwordlessGetValidators, getPasswordlessAuth ); const passwordlessPostValidators = [ check('email') .isEmail() .withMessage('Email is not a valid email address.') ]; function postPasswordlessAuth(req, res, next) { const { body: { email } = {} } = req; return User.findOne$({ where: { email } }) .flatMap(_user => Observable.if( // if no user found create new user and save to db _.constant(_user), Observable.of(_user), User.create$({ email }) ).flatMap(user => user.requestAuthEmail(!_user)) ) .do(msg => { let redirectTo = homeLocation; if (req.session && req.session.returnTo) { redirectTo = req.session.returnTo; } req.flash('info', msg); return res.redirect(redirectTo); }) .subscribe(_.noop, next); } '/passwordless-auth', ifUserRedirect, passwordlessPostValidators, createValidatorErrorHandler('errors', `${homeLocation}/signin`), postPasswordlessAuth ); app.use(api); };