import { ifNoUser401 } from '../utils/middleware'; import { isMongoId } from 'validator'; import supportedLanguages from '../../common/utils/supported-languages.js'; export default function settingsController(app) { const api = app.loopback.Router(); const toggleUserFlag = flag => (req, res, next) => { const { user } = req; const currentValue = user[ flag ]; return user .update$({ [ flag ]: !currentValue }) .subscribe( () => res.status(200).json({ flag, value: !currentValue }), next ); }; function updateMyEmail(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { email } } = req; return user.updateEmail(email) .subscribe( (message) => res.json({ message }), next ); } function updateMyLang(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { lang } = {} } = req; const langName = supportedLanguages[lang]; const update = { languageTag: lang }; if (!supportedLanguages[lang]) { return res.json({ message: `${lang} is currently unsupported` }); } if (user.langaugeTag === lang) { return res.json({ message: `Your language is already set to ${langName}` }); } return user.update$(update) .subscribe( () => res.json({ message: `Your language has been updated to '${langName}'` }), next ); } function updateMyCurrentChallenge(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { currentChallengeId } } = req; if (!isMongoId('' + currentChallengeId)) { return next(new Error(`${currentChallengeId} is not a valid ObjectId`)); } return user.update$({ currentChallengeId }).subscribe( () => res.json({ message: `your current challenge has been updated to ${currentChallengeId}` }), next ); } function updateMyTheme(req, res, next) { req.checkBody('theme', 'Theme is invalid.').isLength({ min: 4 }); const { body: { theme } } = req; const errors = req.validationErrors(true); if (errors) { return res.status(403).json({ errors }); } if (req.user.theme === theme) { return res.json({ msg: 'Theme already set' }); } return req.user.updateTheme('' + theme) .then( data => res.json(data), next ); } '/toggle-lockdown', ifNoUser401, toggleUserFlag('isLocked') ); '/toggle-announcement-email', ifNoUser401, toggleUserFlag('sendMonthlyEmail') ); '/toggle-notification-email', ifNoUser401, toggleUserFlag('sendNotificationEmail') ); '/toggle-quincy-email', ifNoUser401, toggleUserFlag('sendQuincyEmail') ); '/update-my-email', ifNoUser401, updateMyEmail ); '/update-my-lang', ifNoUser401, updateMyLang ); '/update-my-current-challenge', ifNoUser401, updateMyCurrentChallenge ); '/update-my-theme', ifNoUser401, updateMyTheme ); app.use(api); }