const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const { findIndex } = require('lodash'); const readDirP = require('readdirp'); const { helpCategoryMap } = require('../client/utils/challenge-types'); const { showUpcomingChanges } = require('../config/env.json'); const { curriculum: curriculumLangs } = require('../config/i18n/all-langs').availableLangs; const { parseMD } = require('../tools/challenge-parser/parser'); /* eslint-disable max-len */ const { translateCommentsInChallenge } = require('../tools/challenge-parser/translation-parser'); /* eslint-enable max-len*/ const { isAuditedCert } = require('../utils/is-audited'); const { createPoly } = require('../utils/polyvinyl'); const { dasherize } = require('../utils/slugs'); const { getSuperOrder } = require('./utils'); const access = util.promisify(fs.access); const challengesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, './challenges'); const metaDir = path.resolve(challengesDir, '_meta'); exports.challengesDir = challengesDir; exports.metaDir = metaDir; const COMMENT_TRANSLATIONS = createCommentMap( path.resolve(__dirname, './dictionaries') ); function getTranslatableComments(dictionariesDir) { const COMMENTS_TO_TRANSLATE = require(path.resolve( dictionariesDir, 'english', 'comments.json' )); return Object.values(COMMENTS_TO_TRANSLATE); } exports.getTranslatableComments = getTranslatableComments; function createCommentMap(dictionariesDir) { // get all the languages for which there are dictionaries. const languages = fs .readdirSync(dictionariesDir) .filter(x => x !== 'english'); // get all their dictionaries const dictionaries = languages.reduce( (acc, lang) => ({ ...acc, [lang]: require(path.resolve(dictionariesDir, lang, 'comments.json')) }), {} ); // get the english dicts const COMMENTS_TO_TRANSLATE = require(path.resolve( dictionariesDir, 'english', 'comments.json' )); const COMMENTS_TO_NOT_TRANSLATE = require(path.resolve( dictionariesDir, 'english', 'comments-to-not-translate' )); // map from english comment text to translations const translatedCommentMap = Object.entries(COMMENTS_TO_TRANSLATE).reduce( (acc, [id, text]) => { return { ...acc, [text]: getTranslationEntry(dictionaries, { engId: id, text }) }; }, {} ); // map from english comment text to itself const untranslatableCommentMap = Object.values( COMMENTS_TO_NOT_TRANSLATE ).reduce((acc, text) => { const englishEntry = languages.reduce( (acc, lang) => ({ ...acc, [lang]: text }), {} ); return { ...acc, [text]: englishEntry }; }, {}); return { ...translatedCommentMap, ...untranslatableCommentMap }; } exports.createCommentMap = createCommentMap; function getTranslationEntry(dicts, { engId, text }) { return Object.keys(dicts).reduce((acc, lang) => { const entry = dicts[lang][engId]; if (entry) { return { ...acc, [lang]: entry }; } else { throw Error(`Missing translation for comment '${text}' with id of ${engId}`); } }, {}); } function getChallengesDirForLang(lang) { return path.resolve(challengesDir, `./${lang}`); } function getMetaForBlock(block) { return JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(metaDir, `./${block}/meta.json`), 'utf8') ); } function parseCert(filePath) { return yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')); } exports.getChallengesDirForLang = getChallengesDirForLang; exports.getMetaForBlock = getMetaForBlock; // This recursively walks the directories starting at root, and calls cb for // each file/directory and only resolves once all the callbacks do. const walk = (root, target, options, cb) => { return new Promise(resolve => { let running = 1; function done() { if (--running === 0) { resolve(target); } } readDirP(root, options) .on('data', file => { running++; cb(file, target).then(done); }) .on('end', done); }); }; exports.getChallengesForLang = async function getChallengesForLang(lang) { const root = getChallengesDirForLang(lang); // scaffold the curriculum, first set up the superblocks, then recurse into // the blocks const curriculum = await walk( root, {}, { type: 'directories', depth: 0 }, buildSuperBlocks ); const cb = (file, curriculum) => buildChallenges(file, curriculum, lang); // fill the scaffold with the challenges return walk( root, curriculum, { type: 'files', fileFilter: ['*.md', '*.yml'] }, cb ); }; async function buildBlocks({ basename: blockName }, curriculum, baseDir) { const metaPath = path.resolve( __dirname, `./challenges/_meta/${blockName}/meta.json` ); let blockMeta; try { blockMeta = require(metaPath); const { isUpcomingChange } = blockMeta; if (typeof isUpcomingChange !== 'boolean') { throw Error( `meta file at ${metaPath} is missing 'isUpcomingChange', it must be 'true' or 'false'` ); } if (!isUpcomingChange || showUpcomingChanges) { // add the block to the superBlock const blockInfo = { meta: blockMeta, challenges: [] }; curriculum[baseDir].blocks[blockName] = blockInfo; } } catch (e) { curriculum['00-certifications'].blocks[blockName] = { challenges: [] }; } } async function buildSuperBlocks({ path, fullPath }, curriculum) { const baseDir = getBaseDir(path); curriculum[baseDir] = { blocks: {} }; const cb = (file, curriculum) => buildBlocks(file, curriculum, baseDir); return walk(fullPath, curriculum, { depth: 1, type: 'directories' }, cb); } async function buildChallenges({ path: filePath }, curriculum, lang) { // path is relative to getChallengesDirForLang(lang) const block = getBlockNameFromPath(filePath); const baseDir = getBaseDir(filePath); let challengeBlock; // TODO: this try block and process exit can all go once errors terminate the // tests correctly. try { challengeBlock = curriculum[baseDir].blocks[block]; if (!challengeBlock) { // this should only happen when a isUpcomingChange block is skipped return; } } catch (e) { console.log(`failed to create superBlock from ${baseDir}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-process-exit process.exit(1); } const { meta } = challengeBlock; const isCert = path.extname(filePath) === '.yml'; // TODO: there's probably a better way, but this makes sure we don't build any // of the new curriculum when we don't want it. if ( process.env.SHOW_NEW_CURRICULUM !== 'true' && meta?.superBlock === '2022/responsive-web-design' ) { return; } const challenge = isCert ? await createCertification(challengesDir, filePath, lang) : await createChallenge(challengesDir, filePath, lang, meta); challengeBlock.challenges = [...challengeBlock.challenges, challenge]; } async function parseTranslation(transPath, dict, lang, parse = parseMD) { const translatedChal = await parse(transPath); const { challengeType } = translatedChal; // challengeType 11 is for video challenges and 3 is for front-end projects // neither of which have seeds. return challengeType !== 11 && challengeType !== 3 ? translateCommentsInChallenge(translatedChal, lang, dict) : translatedChal; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars async function createCertification(basePath, filePath, lang) { function getFullPath(pathLang) { return path.resolve(__dirname, basePath, pathLang, filePath); } // TODO: restart using isAudited() once we can determine a) the superBlocks // (plural) a certification belongs to and b) get that info from the parsed // certification, rather than the path. ASSUMING that this is used by the // client. If not, delete this comment and the lang param. return parseCert(getFullPath('english')); } async function createChallenge(basePath, filePath, lang, maybeMeta) { function getFullPath(pathLang) { return path.resolve(__dirname, basePath, pathLang, filePath); } let meta; if (maybeMeta) { meta = maybeMeta; } else { const metaPath = path.resolve( metaDir, `./${getBlockNameFromPath(filePath)}/meta.json` ); meta = require(metaPath); } const { superBlock } = meta; if (!curriculumLangs.includes(lang)) throw Error(`${lang} is not a accepted language. Trying to parse ${filePath}`); if (lang !== 'english' && !(await hasEnglishSource(basePath, filePath))) throw Error(`Missing English challenge for ${filePath} It should be in ${getFullPath('english')} `); // assumes superblock names are unique // while the auditing is ongoing, we default to English for un-audited certs // once that's complete, we can revert to using isEnglishChallenge(fullPath) const useEnglish = lang === 'english' || !isAuditedCert(lang, superBlock); const challenge = await (useEnglish ? parseMD(getFullPath('english')) : parseTranslation(getFullPath(lang), COMMENT_TRANSLATIONS, lang)); const challengeOrder = findIndex( meta.challengeOrder, ([id]) => id === ); const { name: blockName, hasEditableBoundaries, order, isPrivate, required = [], template, time, usesMultifileEditor } = meta; challenge.block = dasherize(blockName); challenge.hasEditableBoundaries = !!hasEditableBoundaries; challenge.order = order; const superOrder = getSuperOrder(superBlock, { showNewCurriculum: process.env.SHOW_NEW_CURRICULUM === 'true' }); if (superOrder !== null) challenge.superOrder = superOrder; /* Since there can be more than one way to complete a certification (using the legacy curriculum or the new one, for instance), we need a certification field to track which certification this belongs to. */ // TODO: generalize this to all superBlocks challenge.certification = superBlock === '2022/responsive-web-design' ? 'responsive-web-design' : superBlock; challenge.superBlock = superBlock; challenge.challengeOrder = challengeOrder; challenge.isPrivate = challenge.isPrivate || isPrivate; challenge.required = required.concat(challenge.required || []); challenge.template = template; challenge.time = time; challenge.helpCategory = challenge.helpCategory || helpCategoryMap[challenge.block]; challenge.translationPending = lang !== 'english' && !isAuditedCert(lang, superBlock); challenge.usesMultifileEditor = !!usesMultifileEditor; return prepareChallenge(challenge); } // gets the challenge ready for sourcing into Gatsby function prepareChallenge(challenge) { if (challenge.challengeFiles) { challenge.challengeFiles = challenge.challengeFiles.reduce( (challengeFiles, challengeFile) => { return [ ...challengeFiles, { ...createPoly(challengeFile), seed: challengeFile.contents.slice(0) } ]; }, [] ); } return challenge; } async function hasEnglishSource(basePath, translationPath) { const englishRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, basePath, 'english'); return await access( path.join(englishRoot, translationPath), fs.constants.F_OK ) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); } function getBaseDir(filePath) { const [baseDir] = filePath.split(path.sep); return baseDir; } function getBlockNameFromPath(filePath) { const [, block] = filePath.split(path.sep); return block; } exports.hasEnglishSource = hasEnglishSource; exports.parseTranslation = parseTranslation; exports.createChallenge = createChallenge;