var User = require('../models/User'), Challenge = require('./../models/Challenge'), Bonfire = require('./../models/Bonfire'), Story = require('./../models/Story'), Comment = require('./../models/Comment'), resources = require('./resources.json'), questions = resources.questions, steps = resources.steps, secrets = require('./../config/secrets'), bonfires = require('../seed_data/bonfires.json'), coursewares = require('../seed_data/coursewares.json'), moment = require('moment'), https = require('https'), debug = require('debug')('freecc:cntr:resources'), cheerio = require('cheerio'), request = require('request'), R = require('ramda'); /** * GET / * Resources. */ module.exports = { privacy: function privacy(req, res) { res.render('resources/privacy', { title: 'Privacy' }); }, sitemap: function sitemap(req, res, next) { var appUrl = ''; var now = moment(new Date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); errors = {}; User.find({'profile.username': {'$ne': '' }}, function(err, users) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); next(err); } console.log('user count', users.length); Challenge.find({}, function (err, challenges) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); next(err); } Bonfire.find({}, function (err, bonfires) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); next(err); } res.header('Content-Type', 'application/xml'); res.render('resources/sitemap', { appUrl: appUrl, now: now, users: users, challenges: challenges, bonfires: bonfires }); }); }); }); }, deployAWebsite: function deployAWebsite(req, res) { res.render('resources/deploy-a-website', { title: 'Deploy a Dynamic Website in 7 Minutes' }); }, chat: function chat(req, res) { res.render('resources/chat', { title: "Enter Free Code Camp's Chat Rooms" }); }, nonprofitProjectInstructions: function nonprofitProjectInstructions(req, res) { res.render('resources/nonprofit-project-instructions', { title: 'Nonprofit Project Instructions' }); }, gmailShortcuts: function gmailShortcuts(req, res) { res.render('resources/gmail-shortcuts', { title: 'These Gmail Shortcuts will save you Hours' }); }, guideToOurNonprofitProjects: function guideToOurNonprofitProjects(req, res) { res.render('resources/guide-to-our-nonprofit-projects', { title: 'A guide to our Nonprofit Projects' }); }, controlShortcuts: function controlShortcuts(req, res) { res.render('resources/control-shortcuts', { title: 'These Control Shortcuts will save you Hours' }); }, chromebook: function chromebook(req, res) { res.render('resources/chromebook', { title: 'Win a Chromebook' }); }, jqueryExercises: function jqueryExercises(req, res) { res.render('resources/jquery-exercises', { title: 'jQuery Exercises' }); }, livePairProgramming: function(req, res) { res.render('resources/live-pair-programming', { title: 'Live Pair Programming' }); }, installScreenHero: function(req, res) { res.render('resources/install-screenhero', { title: 'Install ScreenHero' }); }, javaScriptInYourInbox: function(req, res) { res.render('resources/javascript-in-your-inbox', { title: 'JavaScript in your Inbox' }); }, githubCalls: function(req, res) { var githubHeaders = {headers: {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1521.3 Safari/537.36'}, port:80 }; request('' + secrets.github.clientID + '&client_secret=' + secrets.github.clientSecret, githubHeaders, function(err, status1, pulls) { pulls = pulls ? Object.keys(JSON.parse(pulls)).length : "Can't connect to github"; debug('pulls', pulls); request('' + secrets.github.clientID + '&client_secret=' + secrets.github.clientSecret, githubHeaders, function (err, status2, issues) { debug('issues', issues); issues = ((pulls === parseInt(pulls)) && issues) ? Object.keys(JSON.parse(issues)).length - pulls : "Can't connect to GitHub"; res.send({"issues": issues, "pulls" : pulls}); }); }); }, trelloCalls: function(req, res) { request('' + secrets.trello.key, function(err, status, trello) { trello = trello ? (JSON.parse(trello)).length : "Can't connect to to Trello"; res.send({"trello": trello}); }); }, bloggerCalls: function(req, res) { request('' + secrets.blogger.key, function (err, status, blog) { var blog = blog.length > 100 ? JSON.parse(blog) : ""; res.send({ blog1Title: blog ? blog["items"][0]["title"] : "Can't connect to Blogger", blog1Link: blog ? blog["items"][0]["url"] : "", blog2Title: blog ? blog["items"][1]["title"] : "Can't connect to Blogger", blog2Link: blog ? blog["items"][1]["url"] : "", blog3Title: blog ? blog["items"][2]["title"] : "Can't connect to Blogger", blog3Link: blog ? blog["items"][2]["url"] : "", blog4Title: blog ? blog["items"][3]["title"] : "Can't connect to Blogger", blog4Link: blog ? blog["items"][3]["url"] : "", blog5Title: blog ? blog["items"][4]["title"] : "Can't connect to Blogger", blog5Link: blog ? blog["items"][4]["url"] : "" }); }); }, about: function(req, res) { var date1 = new Date("10/15/2014"); var date2 = new Date(); var timeDiff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()); var daysRunning = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); var announcements = resources.announcements; function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } User.count({}, function (err, c3) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); next(err); } User.count({'points': {'$gt': 53}}, function (err, all) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); next(err); } res.render('resources/learn-to-code', { title: 'About Free Code Camp and Our Team of Volunteers', daysRunning: daysRunning, c3: numberWithCommas(c3), all: all, announcements: announcements }); }); }); }, randomPhrase: function() { var phrases = resources.phrases; return phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)]; }, randomVerb: function() { var verbs = resources.verbs; return verbs[Math.floor(Math.random() * verbs.length)]; }, randomCompliment: function() { var compliments = resources.compliments; return compliments[Math.floor(Math.random() * compliments.length)]; }, numberOfBonfires: function() { return bonfires.length - 1; }, allBonfireIds: function() { return { return { _id: elem._id, difficulty: elem.difficulty } }) .sort(function(a, b) { return a.difficulty - b.difficulty; }) .map(function(elem) { return elem._id; }); }, allBonfireNames: function() { return { return { name:, difficulty: elem.difficulty } }) .sort(function(a, b) { return a.difficulty - b.difficulty; }) .map(function(elem) { return; }); }, allCoursewareIds: function() { return { return { _id: elem._id, difficulty: elem.difficulty }; }) .sort(function(a, b) { return a.difficulty - b.difficulty; }) .map(function(elem) { return elem._id; }); }, allCoursewareNames: function() { return { return { name:, difficulty: elem.difficulty }; }) .sort(function(a, b) { return a.difficulty - b.difficulty; }) .map(function(elem) { return; }); }, whichEnvironment: function() { return process.env.NODE_ENV; }, getURLTitle: function(url, callback) { (function () { var result = {title: ''}; request(url, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { var $ = cheerio.load(body); var title = $('title').text(); result.title = title; debug('calling callback with', result); callback(null, result); } else { callback('failed'); } }); })(); }, updateUserStoryPictures: function(userId, picture) { var counter = 0, foundStories, foundComments; Story.find({'author.userId': userId}, function(err, stories) { if (err) { throw err; } foundStories = stories; counter++; saveStoriesAndComments(); }); Comment.find({'author.userId': userId}, function(err, comments) { if (err) { throw err; } foundComments = comments; counter++; saveStoriesAndComments(); }); function saveStoriesAndComments() { if (counter !== 2) { return; } R.forEach(function(comment) { = picture; comment.markModified('author');; }, foundComments); R.forEach(function(story) { = picture; debug('This is a story', story); debug(; story.markModified('author');; }, foundStories); } } };