import { Observable } from 'rx'; import uuid from 'uuid'; import moment from 'moment'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import debugFactory from 'debug'; import { isEmail } from 'validator'; import path from 'path'; import { saveUser, observeMethod } from '../../server/utils/rx.js'; import { blacklistedUsernames } from '../../server/utils/constants.js'; import { wrapHandledError } from '../../server/utils/create-handled-error.js'; const debug = debugFactory('fcc:user:remote'); const BROWNIEPOINTS_TIMEOUT = [1, 'hour']; const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; const devHost = process.env.HOST || 'localhost'; const createEmailError = () => new Error( 'Please check to make sure the email is a valid email address.' ); function destroyAll(id, Model) { return Observable.fromNodeCallback( Model.destroyAll, Model )({ userId: id }); } function getAboutProfile({ username, githubProfile: github, progressTimestamps = [], bio }) { return { username, github, browniePoints: progressTimestamps.length, bio }; } function nextTick(fn) { return process.nextTick(fn); } module.exports = function(User) { // NOTE(berks): user email validation currently not needed but build in. This // work around should let us sneak by // see: // delete; // set salt factor for passwords User.settings.saltWorkFactor = 5; // set user.rand to random number User.definition.rawProperties.rand.default = = function() { return Math.random(); }; // increase user accessToken ttl to 900 days User.settings.ttl = 900 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // username should not be in blacklist User.validatesExclusionOf('username', { in: blacklistedUsernames, message: 'is taken' }); // username should be unique User.validatesUniquenessOf('username'); User.settings.emailVerificationRequired = false; User.on('dataSourceAttached', () => { User.findOne$ = Observable.fromNodeCallback(User.findOne, User); User.update$ = Observable.fromNodeCallback(User.updateAll, User); User.count$ = Observable.fromNodeCallback(User.count, User); }); User.beforeRemote('create', function({ req }) { const body = req.body; // note(berks): we now require all new users to supply an email // this was not always the case if ( typeof !== 'string' || !isEmail( ) { return Promise.reject(createEmailError()); } // assign random username to new users // actual usernames will come from github body.username = 'fcc' + uuid.v4(); if (body) { // this is workaround for preventing a server crash // we do this on create and on save // refer strongloop/loopback/#1364 if (body.password === '') { body.password = null; } // set email verified false on user email signup // should not be set with oauth signin methods body.emailVerified = false; } return User.doesExist(null, .catch(err => { throw wrapHandledError(err, { redirectTo: '/email-signup' }); }) .then(exists => { if (!exists) { return null; } const err = wrapHandledError( new Error('user already exists'), { redirectTo: '/email-signin', message: dedent` The ${} email address is already associated with an account. Try signing in with it here instead. ` } ); throw err; }); }); // send welcome email to new camper User.afterRemote('create', function({ req, res }, user, next) { debug('user created, sending email'); if (! || !isEmail( { return next(); } const redirect = req.session && req.session.returnTo ? req.session.returnTo : '/'; var mailOptions = { type: 'email', to:, from: '', subject: 'Welcome to freeCodeCamp!', protocol: isDev ? null : 'https', host: isDev ? devHost : '', port: isDev ? null : 443, template: path.join( __dirname, '..', '..', 'server', 'views', 'emails', 'a-extend-user-welcome.ejs' ), redirect: '/email-signin' }; debug('sending welcome email'); return user.verify(mailOptions, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } req.flash('success', { msg: [ 'Congratulations ! We\'ve created your account. ', 'Please check your email. We sent you a link that you can ', 'click to verify your email address and then login.' ].join('') }); return res.redirect(redirect); }); }); User.observe('before save', function({ instance: user }, next) { if (user) { // Some old accounts will not have emails associated with theme // we verify only if the email field is populated if ( && !isEmail( { return next(createEmailError()); } user.username = user.username.trim().toLowerCase(); = typeof === 'string' ? :; if (!user.progressTimestamps) { user.progressTimestamps = []; } if (user.progressTimestamps.length === 0) { user.progressTimestamps.push({ timestamp: }); } // this is workaround for preventing a server crash // we do this on save and on create // refer strongloop/loopback/#1364 if (user.password === '') { user.password = null; } } return next(); }); // remove lingering user identities before deleting user User.observe('before delete', function(ctx, next) { const UserIdentity =; const UserCredential =; debug('removing user', ctx.where); var id = ctx.where && ? : null; if (!id) { return next(); } return Observable.combineLatest( destroyAll(id, UserIdentity), destroyAll(id, UserCredential), function(identData, credData) { return { identData: identData, credData: credData }; } ) .subscribe( function(data) { debug('deleted', data); }, function(err) { debug('error deleting user %s stuff', id, err); next(err); }, function() { debug('user stuff deleted for user %s', id); next(); } ); }); debug('setting up user hooks'); User.beforeRemote('confirm', function(ctx, _, next) { if (!ctx.req.query) { return ctx.res.redirect('/'); } const uid = ctx.req.query.uid; const token = ctx.req.query.token; const redirect = ctx.req.query.redirect; return User.findById(uid, (err, user) => { if (err || !user) { ctx.req.flash('error', { msg: dedent`Oops, something went wrong, please try again later` }); return ctx.res.redirect('/'); } if (!user.verificationToken && !user.emailVerified) { ctx.req.flash('info', { msg: dedent`Looks like we have your email. But you haven't verified it yet, please login and request a fresh verification link.` }); return ctx.res.redirect(redirect); } if (!user.verificationToken && user.emailVerified) { ctx.req.flash('info', { msg: dedent`Looks like you have already verified your email. Please login to continue.` }); return ctx.res.redirect(redirect); } if (user.verificationToken && user.verificationToken !== token) { ctx.req.flash('info', { msg: dedent`Looks like you have clicked an invalid link. Please login and request a fresh one.` }); return ctx.res.redirect(redirect); } return next(); }); }); User.afterRemote('confirm', function(ctx) { if (!ctx.req.query) { return ctx.res.redirect('/'); } const redirect = ctx.req.query.redirect; ctx.req.flash('success', { msg: [ 'Your email has been confirmed!' ] }); return ctx.res.redirect(redirect); }); User.on('resetPasswordRequest', function(info) { if (!isEmail( { console.error(createEmailError()); return null; } let url; const host ='host'); const { id: token } = info.accessToken; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { const port ='port'); url = `http://${host}:${port}/reset-password?access_token=${token}`; } else { url = `${token}`; } // the email of the requested user debug(; // the temp access token to allow password reset debug(; // requires AccessToken.belongsTo(User) var mailOptions = { to:, from: '', subject: 'Password Reset Request', text: ` Hello,\n\n This email is confirming that you requested to reset your password for your freeCodeCamp account. This is your email: ${ }. Go to ${ url } to reset your password. \n Happy Coding! \n ` }; return, function(err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } debug('email reset sent'); }); }); User.beforeRemote('login', function(ctx, notUsed, next) { const { body } = ctx.req; if (body && typeof === 'string') { if (!isEmail( { return next(createEmailError()); } =; } return next(); }); User.afterRemote('login', function(ctx, accessToken, next) { var res = ctx.res; var req = ctx.req; // var args = ctx.args; var config = { signed: !!req.signedCookies, maxAge: accessToken.ttl }; if (accessToken && { debug('setting cookies'); res.cookie('access_token',, config); res.cookie('userId', accessToken.userId, config); } return req.logIn({ id: accessToken.userId.toString() }, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } debug('user logged in'); if (req.session && req.session.returnTo) { var redirectTo = req.session.returnTo; if (redirectTo === '/map-aside') { redirectTo = '/map'; } return res.redirect(redirectTo); } req.flash('success', { msg: 'Success! You are now logged in.' }); return res.redirect('/'); }); }); User.afterRemoteError('login', function(ctx) { var res = ctx.res; var req = ctx.req; req.flash('errors', { msg: 'Invalid username or password.' }); return res.redirect('/email-signin'); }); User.afterRemote('logout', function(ctx, result, next) { var res = ctx.res; res.clearCookie('access_token'); res.clearCookie('userId'); next(); }); User.doesExist = function doesExist(username, email) { if (!username && (!email || !isEmail(email))) { return Promise.resolve(false); } debug('checking existence'); // check to see if username is on blacklist if (username && blacklistedUsernames.indexOf(username) !== -1) { return Promise.resolve(true); } var where = {}; if (username) { where.username = username.toLowerCase(); } else { = email ? email.toLowerCase() : email; } debug('where', where); return User.count(where) .then(count => count > 0); }; User.remoteMethod( 'doesExist', { description: 'checks whether a user exists using email or username', accepts: [ { arg: 'username', type: 'string' }, { arg: 'email', type: 'string' } ], returns: [ { arg: 'exists', type: 'boolean' } ], http: { path: '/exists', verb: 'get' } } ); User.about = function about(username, cb) { if (!username) { // Zalgo!! return nextTick(() => { cb(new TypeError( `username should be a string but got ${ username }` )); }); } return User.findOne({ where: { username } }, (err, user) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!user || user.username !== username) { return cb(new Error(`no user found for ${ username }`)); } const aboutUser = getAboutProfile(user); return cb(null, aboutUser); }); }; User.remoteMethod( 'about', { description: 'get public info about user', accepts: [ { arg: 'username', type: 'string' } ], returns: [ { arg: 'about', type: 'object' } ], http: { path: '/about', verb: 'get' } } ); User.prototype.updateEmail = function updateEmail(email) { const fiveMinutesAgo = moment().subtract(5, 'minutes'); const lastEmailSentAt = moment(new Date(this.emailVerifyTTL || null)); const ownEmail = email ===; const isWaitPeriodOver = this.emailVerifyTTL ? lastEmailSentAt.isBefore(fiveMinutesAgo) : true; if (!isEmail('' + email)) { return Observable.throw(createEmailError()); } // email is already associated and verified with this account if (ownEmail && this.emailVerified) { return Observable.throw(new Error( `${email} is already associated with this account.` )); } if (ownEmail && !isWaitPeriodOver) { const minutesLeft = 5 - (moment().minutes() - lastEmailSentAt.minutes()); const timeToWait = minutesLeft ? `${minutesLeft} minute${minutesLeft > 1 ? 's' : ''}` : 'a few seconds'; return Observable.throw(new Error( `Please wait ${timeToWait} to resend email verification.` )); } return Observable.fromPromise(User.doesExist(null, email)) .flatMap(exists => { // not associated with this account, but is associated with another if (!ownEmail && exists) { return Promise.reject( new Error(`${email} is already associated with another account.`) ); } const emailVerified = false; return this.update$({ email, emailVerified, emailVerifyTTL: new Date() }) .do(() => { = email; this.emailVerified = emailVerified; this.emailVerifyTTL = new Date(); }); }) .flatMap(() => { const mailOptions = { type: 'email', to: email, from: '', subject: 'Welcome to freeCodeCamp!', protocol: isDev ? null : 'https', host: isDev ? devHost : '', port: isDev ? null : 443, template: path.join( __dirname, '..', '..', 'server', 'views', 'emails', 'user-email-verify.ejs' ) }; return this.verify(mailOptions); }) .map(() => dedent` Please check your email. We sent you a link that you can click to verify your email address. `); }; User.giveBrowniePoints = function giveBrowniePoints(receiver, giver, data = {}, dev = false, cb) { const findUser = observeMethod(User, 'findOne'); if (!receiver) { return nextTick(() => { cb( new TypeError(`receiver should be a string but got ${ receiver }`) ); }); } if (!giver) { return nextTick(() => { cb(new TypeError(`giver should be a string but got ${ giver }`)); }); } let temp = moment(); const browniePoints = temp .subtract.apply(temp, BROWNIEPOINTS_TIMEOUT) .valueOf(); const user$ = findUser({ where: { username: receiver }}); return user$ .tapOnNext((user) => { if (!user) { throw new Error(`could not find receiver for ${ receiver }`); } }) .flatMap(({ progressTimestamps = [] }) => { return Observable.from(progressTimestamps); }) // filter out non objects .filter((timestamp) => !!timestamp || typeof timestamp === 'object') // filterout timestamps older then an hour .filter(({ timestamp = 0 }) => { return timestamp >= browniePoints; }) // filter out brownie points given by giver .filter((browniePoint) => { return browniePoint.giver === giver; }) // no results means this is the first brownie point given by giver // so return -1 to indicate receiver should receive point .first({ defaultValue: -1 }) .flatMap((browniePointsFromGiver) => { if (browniePointsFromGiver === -1) { return user$.flatMap((user) => { user.progressTimestamps.push({ giver, timestamp:, }); return saveUser(user); }); } return Observable.throw( new Error(`${ giver } already gave ${ receiver } points`) ); }) .subscribe( (user) => { return cb( null, getAboutProfile(user), dev ? { giver, receiver, data } : null ); }, (e) => cb(e, null, dev ? { giver, receiver, data } : null), () => { debug('brownie points assigned completed'); } ); }; User.remoteMethod( 'giveBrowniePoints', { description: 'Give this user brownie points', accepts: [ { arg: 'receiver', type: 'string', required: true }, { arg: 'giver', type: 'string', required: true }, { arg: 'data', type: 'object' }, { arg: 'debug', type: 'boolean' } ], returns: [ { arg: 'about', type: 'object' }, { arg: 'debug', type: 'object' } ], http: { path: '/give-brownie-points', verb: 'POST' } } ); User.themes = { night: true, default: true }; User.prototype.updateTheme = function updateTheme(theme) { if (!this.constructor.themes[theme]) { const err = wrapHandledError( new Error('Theme is not valid.'), { Type: 'info', message: err.message } ); return Promise.reject(err); } return this.update$({ theme }) .map({ updatedTo: theme }) .toPromise(); }; // deprecated. remove once live User.remoteMethod( 'updateTheme', { isStatic: false, description: 'updates the users chosen theme', accepts: [ { arg: 'theme', type: 'string', required: true } ], returns: [ { arg: 'status', type: 'object' } ], http: { path: '/update-theme', verb: 'POST' } } ); // user.updateTo$(updateData: Object) => Observable[Number] User.prototype.update$ = function update$(updateData) { const id = this.getId(); const updateOptions = { allowExtendedOperators: true }; if ( !updateData || typeof updateData !== 'object' || !Object.keys(updateData).length ) { return Observable.throw(new Error( dedent` updateData must be an object with at least one key, but got ${updateData} with ${Object.keys(updateData).length} `.split('\n').join(' ') )); } return this.constructor.update$({ id }, updateData, updateOptions); }; User.prototype.getPoints$ = function getPoints$() { const id = this.getId(); const filter = { where: { id }, fields: { progressTimestamps: true } }; return this.constructor.findOne$(filter) .map(user => { this.progressTimestamps = user.progressTimestamps; return user.progressTimestamps; }); }; User.prototype.getChallengeMap$ = function getChallengeMap$() { const id = this.getId(); const filter = { where: { id }, fields: { challengeMap: true } }; return this.constructor.findOne$(filter) .map(user => { this.challengeMap = user.challengeMap; return user.challengeMap; }); }; };