extends ../layout block content script(src="/bower_components/cal-heatmap/cal-heatmap.min.js") script. var challengeName = 'Profile View'; if (user && user.username === username) h1.text-center Update your code portfolio .row .col-xs-12 if (!user.isGithubCool) a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-github.btn-link-social(href='/link/github') i.fa.fa-github | Link my GitHub to unlock my portfolio else a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-github.btn-link-social(href='/link/github') i.fa.fa-github | Update my portfolio from GitHub if (!user.twitter) a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-twitter.btn-link-social(href='/link/twitter') i.fa.fa-twitter | Add my Twitter to my portfolio if (!user.facebook) a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-facebook.btn-link-social(href='/link/facebook') i.fa.fa-facebook | Add my Facebook to my portfolio if (!user.linkedin) a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-linkedin.btn-link-social(href='/link/linkedin') i.fa.fa-linkedin | Add my LinkedIn to my portfolio if (!user.google) a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-google-plus.btn-link-social(href='/link/google') i.fa.fa-google-plus | Add my Google+ to my portfolio .spacer h1.text-center #{username}'s code portfolio hr .row .col-xs-12.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-1.col-md-8.col-md-offset-2.text-center if picture img.img-center.img-responsive.public-profile-img(src=picture) else img.img-center.img-responsive.public-profile-img(src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/camper-image-placeholder.png') h1.text-center.negative-5.profile-social-icons if (twitter) a.fa.fa-twitter-square.text-primary(title="@#{username}'s Twitter Profile", href='https://twitter.com/' + twitter, target='_blank') if (github) a.fa.fa-github-square.text-primary(title="@#{username}'s GitHub Profile", href=github, target='_blank') if (linkedin) a.fa.fa-linkedin-square.text-primary(title="@#{username}'s LinkedIn Profile", href=linkedin, target='_blank') if (facebook) a.fa.fa-facebook-square.text-primary(title="@#{username}'s Facebook Profile", href='https://facebook.com/' + facebook, target='_blank') if (google) a.fa.fa-google-plus-square.text-primary(title="@#{username}'s Google Profile", href='https://plus.google.com/' + google, target='_blank') h1.flat-top.wrappable= name h1.flat-top.wrappable= location h1.flat-top.text-primary= "[ " + (progressTimestamps.length) + " ]" if pledge .spacer h4 | This camper has committed to giving $#{pledge.amount} to a(href='#{pledge.donateUrl}?ref=freecodecamp.com' target='_blank') #{pledge.displayName} | each month until they have completed their #{pledge.goal}. .spacer if isFrontEndCert a.btn.btn-primary(href='/' + username + '/front-end-certification') View My Front End Development Certification if isDataVisCert .button-spacer a.btn.btn-success(href='/' + username + '/data-visualization-certification') View My Data Visualization Certification if isBackEndCert .button-spacer a.btn.btn-success(href='/' + username + '/back-end-certification') View My Back End Development Certification //if (user && user.username !== username) // a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-twitter.btn-link-social(href='/leaderboard/add?username=#{username}') // i.fa.fa-plus-square // | Add them to my personal leaderboard .spacer .col-md-12 #cal-heatmap.hidden-xs.hidden-sm.d3-centered script. $(document).ready(function () { var cal = new CalHeatMap(); var calendar = !{JSON.stringify(calender)}; /* var estUTCOffset = -5; // moment returns the utc offset in minutes var userUTCOffset = moment().utcOffset() / 60; var secondsToOffset = (estUTCOffset - userUTCOffset) * 3600; var offsetCalendar = {}; for (var prop in calendar) { if (calendar.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { var offsetProp = prop + secondsToOffset; offsetCalendar[offsetProp] = calendar[prop]; } } */ cal.init({ itemSelector: "#cal-heatmap", domain: "month", subDomain: "x_day", domainGutter: 10, data: calendar, cellSize: 15, align: 'center', cellRadius: 3, cellPadding: 2, tooltip: true, range: 6, start: new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 150), legendColors: ["#cccccc", "#215f1e"], legend: [1, 2, 3], label: { position: "top" } }); }); .row .hidden-xs.col-sm-12.text-center .row.text-primary h4.col-sm-6.text-right Longest Streak: #{longestStreak} #{longestStreak === 1 ? ' day' : ' days'} h4.col-sm-6.text-left Current Streak: #{currentStreak} #{currentStreak === 1 ? ' day' : ' days'} if (user && user.username == username || !isLocked) if (baseAndZip.length > 0) .col-sm-12 table.table.table-striped thead tr th.col-xs-6 Projects th.col-xs-3.hidden-xs Completed th.col-xs-3.hidden-xs Link for challenge in baseAndZip tr td.col-xs-4.hidden-xs a(href='/challenges/' + challenge.name, target='_blank')= challenge.name td.col-xs-2.hidden-xs= challenge.completedDate ? moment(challenge.completedDate, 'x').format("MMM DD, YYYY") : 'Not Available' td.col-xs-6.hidden-xs a(href=challenge.solution, target='_blank') View my project td.col-xs-12.visible-xs a(href=challenge.solution, target='_blank')=challenge.name if (bonfires.length > 0) .col-sm-12 table.table.table-striped thead tr th.col-xs-6 Bonfires th.col-xs-3.hidden-xs Completed th.col-xs-3.hidden-xs Solution for bonfire in bonfires tr td.col-xs-6.hidden-xs= bonfire.name td.col-xs-3.hidden-xs= bonfire.completedDate ? moment(bonfire.completedDate, 'x').format("MMM DD, YYYY") : 'Not Available' td.col-xs-3.hidden-xs a(href='/challenges/' + bonfire.name + '?solution=' + encodeURIComponent(encodeFcc(bonfire.solution)), target='_blank') View my solution td.col-xs-12.visible-xs a(href='/challenges/' + bonfire.name + '?solution=' + encodeURIComponent(encodeFcc(bonfire.solution)), target='_blank')= bonfire.name if (waypoints.length > 0) .col-sm-12 table.table.table-striped thead tr th.col-xs-6 Waypoints th.col-xs-3.hidden-xs Completed th.col-xs-3.hidden-xs Solution for challenge in waypoints tr td.col-xs-6.hidden-xs= challenge.name td.col-xs-3.hidden-xs= challenge.completedDate ?moment(challenge.completedDate, 'x').format("MMM DD, YYYY") : 'Not Available' td.col-xs-3.hidden-xs if (challenge.solution) a(href='/challenges/' + challenge.name + '?solution=' + encodeURIComponent(encodeFcc(challenge.solution)), target='_blank') View my solution else a(href='/challenges/' + challenge.name) View this challenge td.col-xs-12.visible-xs if (challenge.solution) a(href='/challenges/' + challenge.name + '?solution=' + encodeURIComponent(encodeFcc(challenge.solution)), target='_blank')= challenge.name else a(href='/challenges/' + challenge.name)= challenge.name if (user && user.username === username) h1.text-center Manage your account hr .col-xs-12 a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-primary.btn-link-social(href='/logout') | Sign me out of Free Code Camp .col-xs-12 a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-primary.btn-link-social(href='mailto:team@freecodecamp.com') | Email us at team@freecodecamp.com if (!user.isLocked) .col-xs-12 a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-primary.btn-link-social(href='/toggle-lockdown-mode') | Hide all my solutions from other people br | (this will disable your certificates) else .col-xs-12 a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-primary.btn-link-social(href='/toggle-lockdown-mode') | Let other people see all my solutions br | (this will enable your certificates) .col-xs-12 a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-primary.btn-link-social(href='/commit') | Edit my pledge .col-xs-12 a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-danger.btn-link-social.confirm-deletion | Delete my Free Code Camp account script. $('.confirm-deletion').on("click", function () { $('#modal-dialog').modal('show'); }); #modal-dialog.modal.animated.wobble .modal-dialog .modal-content .modal-header a.close(href='#', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true') × h3 You don't really want to delete your account, do you? .modal-body p This will really delete all your data, including all your progress, news stories and brownie points. p We won't be able to recover any of it for you later, even if you change your mind. p If there's something we could do better, send us an email instead and we'll do our best:   a(href="mailto:team@freecodecamp.com") team@freecodecamp.com | . .modal-footer a.btn.btn-success.btn-block(href='#', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true') | Nevermind, I don't want to delete all of my progress .spacer form(action='/account/delete', method='POST') input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=_csrf) button.btn.btn-danger.btn-block(type='submit') | I am 100% sure I want to delete my account and all of my progress >>>>>>> refactor map view and make buttons and text bigger