--- title: Entropy id: 599d15309e88c813a40baf58 localeTitle: 599d15309e88c813a40baf58 challengeType: 5 --- ## Description

Calcule la entropía H de Shannon de una cadena de entrada dada.

Dada la discreta variable aleatoria $ X $ que es una cadena de $ N $ "símbolos" (caracteres totales) que consta de $ n $ caracteres diferentes (n = 2 para binario), la entropía de X de Shannon en bits / símbolo es:

$ H_2 (X) = - \ sum_ {i = 1} ^ n \ frac {count_i} {N} \ log_2 \ left (\ frac {count_i} {N} \ right) $

donde $ count_i $ es el conteo del carácter $ n_i $.

## Instructions
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: entropy es una función. testString: 'assert(typeof entropy === "function", "entropy is a function.");' - text: entropy("0") debe devolver 0 testString: 'assert.equal(entropy("0"), 0, "entropy("0") should return 0");' - text: entropy("01") debe devolver 1 testString: 'assert.equal(entropy("01"), 1, "entropy("01") should return 1");' - text: entropy("0123") debe devolver 2 testString: 'assert.equal(entropy("0123"), 2, "entropy("0123") should return 2");' - text: entropy("01234567") debe devolver 3 testString: 'assert.equal(entropy("01234567"), 3, "entropy("01234567") should return 3");' - text: entropy("0123456789abcdef") debe devolver 4 testString: 'assert.equal(entropy("0123456789abcdef"), 4, "entropy("0123456789abcdef") should return 4");' - text: entropy("1223334444") debe devolver 1.8464393446710154 testString: 'assert.equal(entropy("1223334444"), 1.8464393446710154, "entropy("1223334444") should return 1.8464393446710154");' ```
## Challenge Seed
```js function entropy (s) { // Good luck! } ```
## Solution
```js function entropy(s) { // Create a dictionary of character frequencies and iterate over it. function process(s, evaluator) { let h = Object.create(null), k; s.split('').forEach(c => { h[c] && h[c]++ || (h[c] = 1); }); if (evaluator) for (k in h) evaluator(k, h[k]); return h; } // Measure the entropy of a string in bits per symbol. let sum = 0, len = s.length; process(s, (k, f) => { const p = f / len; sum -= p * Math.log(p) / Math.log(2); }); return sum; } ```