{ "name": "Basic JavaScript", "dashedName": "basic-javascript", "order": 1, "time": "10 hours", "template": "", "required": [], "superBlock": "javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures", "superOrder": 2, "challengeOrder": [ [ "bd7123c9c441eddfaeb4bdef", "Comment Your JavaScript Code" ], [ "bd7123c9c443eddfaeb5bdef", "Declare JavaScript Variables" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244a8", "Storing Values with the Assignment Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244a9", "Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244aa", "Understanding Uninitialized Variables" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244ab", "Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb3bdef", "Add Two Numbers with JavaScript" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb4bdef", "Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript" ], [ "cf1231c1c11feddfaeb5bdef", "Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb6bdef", "Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244ac", "Increment a Number with JavaScript" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244ad", "Decrement a Number with JavaScript" ], [ "cf1391c1c11feddfaeb4bdef", "Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript" ], [ "bd7993c9c69feddfaeb7bdef", "Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript" ], [ "bd7993c9ca9feddfaeb7bdef", "Divide One Decimal by Another with JavaScript" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244ae", "Finding a Remainder in JavaScript" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244af", "Compound Assignment With Augmented Addition" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b0", "Compound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b1", "Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b2", "Compound Assignment With Augmented Division" ], [ "bd7123c9c444eddfaeb5bdef", "Declare String Variables" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b5", "Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b4", "Quoting Strings with Single Quotes" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b6", "Escape Sequences in Strings" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b7", "Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b8", "Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244b9", "Constructing Strings with Variables" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244ed", "Appending Variables to Strings" ], [ "bd7123c9c448eddfaeb5bdef", "Find the Length of a String" ], [ "bd7123c9c549eddfaeb5bdef", "Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244ba", "Understand String Immutability" ], [ "bd7123c9c450eddfaeb5bdef", "Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String" ], [ "bd7123c9c451eddfaeb5bdef", "Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String" ], [ "bd7123c9c452eddfaeb5bdef", "Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244bb", "Word Blanks" ], [ "bd7993c9c69feddfaeb8bdef", "Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb7bdef", "Nest one Array within Another Array" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392ca", "Access Array Data with Indexes" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb8bdef", "Modify Array Data With Indexes" ], [ "56592a60ddddeae28f7aa8e1", "Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392cb", "Manipulate Arrays With push()" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392cc", "Manipulate Arrays With pop()" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392cd", "Manipulate Arrays With shift()" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392ce", "Manipulate Arrays With unshift()" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244bc", "Shopping List" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392cf", "Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244bd", "Passing Values to Functions with Arguments" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244be", "Global Scope and Functions" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244bf", "Local Scope and Functions" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c0", "Global vs. Local Scope in Functions" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c2", "Return a Value from a Function with Return" ], [ "598e8944f009e646fc236146", "Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c3", "Assignment with a Returned Value" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c6", "Stand in Line" ], [ "bd7123c9c441eddfaeb5bdef", "Understanding Boolean Values" ], [ "cf1111c1c12feddfaeb3bdef", "Use Conditional Logic with If Statements" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d0", "Comparison with the Equality Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d1", "Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator" ], [ "599a789b454f2bbd91a3ff4d", "Practice comparing different values" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d2", "Comparison with the Inequality Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d3", "Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d4", "Comparison with the Greater Than Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d5", "Comparison with the Greater Than Or Equal To Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d6", "Comparison with the Less Than Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d7", "Comparison with the Less Than Or Equal To Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d8", "Comparisons with the Logical And Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244d9", "Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244da", "Introducing Else Statements" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244db", "Introducing Else If Statements" ], [ "5690307fddb111c6084545d7", "Logical Order in If Else Statements" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244dc", "Chaining If Else Statements" ], [ "5664820f61c48e80c9fa476c", "Golf Code" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244dd", "Selecting from Many Options with Switch Statements" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244de", "Adding a Default Option in Switch Statements" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244df", "Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244e0", "Replacing If Else Chains with Switch" ], [ "5679ceb97cbaa8c51670a16b", "Returning Boolean Values from Functions" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c4", "Return Early Pattern for Functions" ], [ "565bbe00e9cc8ac0725390f4", "Counting Cards" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392d0", "Build JavaScript Objects" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c7", "Accessing Object Properties with Dot Notation" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c8", "Accessing Object Properties with Bracket Notation" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244c9", "Accessing Object Properties with Variables" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392d1", "Updating Object Properties" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392d2", "Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object" ], [ "56bbb991ad1ed5201cd392d3", "Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244ca", "Using Objects for Lookups" ], [ "567af2437cbaa8c51670a16c", "Testing Objects for Properties" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244cb", "Manipulating Complex Objects" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244cc", "Accessing Nested Objects" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244cd", "Accessing Nested Arrays" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244cf", "Record Collection" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb1bdef", "Iterate with JavaScript While Loops" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb5bdef", "Iterate with JavaScript For Loops" ], [ "56104e9e514f539506016a5c", "Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop" ], [ "56105e7b514f539506016a5e", "Count Backwards With a For Loop" ], [ "5675e877dbd60be8ad28edc6", "Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop" ], [ "56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244e1", "Nesting For Loops" ], [ "5a2efd662fb457916e1fe604", "Iterate with JavaScript Do...While Loops" ], [ "5688e62ea601b2482ff8422b", "Profile Lookup" ], [ "cf1111c1c11feddfaeb9bdef", "Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript" ], [ "cf1111c1c12feddfaeb1bdef", "Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript" ], [ "cf1111c1c12feddfaeb2bdef", "Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range" ], [ "587d7b7e367417b2b2512b23", "Use the parseInt Function" ], [ "587d7b7e367417b2b2512b22", "Use the parseInt Function with a Radix" ], [ "587d7b7e367417b2b2512b24", "Use the Conditional (Ternary) Operator" ], [ "587d7b7e367417b2b2512b21", "Use Multiple Conditional (Ternary) Operators" ] ], "helpRoom": "HelpJavaScript", "fileName": "02-javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/basic-javascript.json" }