--- title: Ruby Comments localeTitle: Ruby评论 --- # Ruby评论 注释是代码中的注释行,在运行时被忽略(这意味着它们在源代码中可见但在运行程序时不会打印出来)。 在Ruby中,单行注释以`#`字符开头并延伸到行尾。评论可以是自己的行或代码。 ```Ruby puts "Learning to code is fun!" # I am a single line comment. puts "Ruby is a great language!" # Me too - I am a trailing comment. ``` 执行时,上面的程序产生以下内容: ``` Learning to code is fun! Ruby is a great language! ``` 您可以通过在`=begin`和`=end`之间添加注释来执行多行注释。 `=begin`和`=end`必须从行的最开始开始, `=end`必须在它自己的一行上。 ```ruby =begin I am a multi-line comment and I can be as long as I please. See, still going! =end puts "Hello World!" =begin It's ok to start the comment on the same line as "=begin" (though it's more readable if you don't) but you can't put a space or any text before "=begin" or "=end" and you can't put anything on the same line after "=end". =end ``` 执行时,上面的程序产生以下内容: ``` Hello World! ```