const html = 0; const js = 1; const backend = 2; const zipline = 3; const frontEndProject = 3; const backEndProject = 4; const jsProject = 5; const modern = 6; const step = 7; const quiz = 8; const invalid = 9; const pythonProject = 10; const video = 11; const codeAllyPractice = 12; const codeAllyCert = 13; const multifileCertProject = 14; // individual exports exports.backend = backend; exports.frontEndProject = frontEndProject; exports.backEndProject = backEndProject; exports.pythonProject = pythonProject; exports.codeAllyCert = codeAllyCert; exports.challengeTypes = { html, js, backend, zipline, frontEndProject, backEndProject, pythonProject, jsProject, modern, step, quiz, invalid, video, codeAllyPractice, codeAllyCert, multifileCertProject }; exports.isFinalProject = challengeType => { if (typeof challengeType !== 'number') throw Error('challengeType must be a number'); return ( challengeType === frontEndProject || challengeType === backEndProject || challengeType === jsProject || challengeType === pythonProject || challengeType === codeAllyCert || challengeType === multifileCertProject ); }; exports.isCodeAllyPractice = challengeType => { if (typeof challengeType !== 'number') throw Error('challengeType must be a number'); return challengeType === codeAllyPractice; }; // turn challengeType to file ext exports.pathsMap = { [html]: 'html', [js]: 'js', [jsProject]: 'js' }; // determine the component view for each challenge exports.viewTypes = { [html]: 'classic', [js]: 'classic', [jsProject]: 'classic', [frontEndProject]: 'frontend', [backEndProject]: 'backend', [pythonProject]: 'frontend', [modern]: 'modern', [step]: 'step', [quiz]: 'quiz', [backend]: 'backend', [video]: 'video', [codeAllyPractice]: 'codeAlly', [codeAllyCert]: 'codeAlly', [multifileCertProject]: 'classic' }; // determine the type of submit function to use for the challenge on completion exports.submitTypes = { [html]: 'tests', [js]: 'tests', [jsProject]: 'tests', // requires just a single url // like [frontEndProject]: 'project.frontEnd', // requires two urls // a hosted URL where the app is running live // project code url like GitHub [backEndProject]: 'project.backEnd', [pythonProject]: 'project.backEnd', [step]: 'step', [quiz]: 'quiz', [backend]: 'backend', [modern]: 'tests', [video]: 'tests', [codeAllyCert]: 'project.frontEnd', [multifileCertProject]: 'tests' }; // determine which help forum questions should be posted to exports.helpCategoryMap = require('./help-category-map.json');