--- title: Arguments localeTitle: 参数 --- arguments对象是一个**类似于数组的对象** _(因为_ **对象** _的结构类似于数组的结构,但它不应该被认为是一个数组,因为它具有对象的所有功能)_ ,它存储了你的所有参数传递给函数,特别是该函数专有。如果要将3个参数传递给函数,比如`storeNames()` ,那么这三个参数将存储在一个名为**arguments**的对象中,当我们传递参数`storeNames("Mulder", "Scully", "Alex Krycek")`它将看起来像这样`storeNames("Mulder", "Scully", "Alex Krycek")`我们的功能: * 首先,我们声明一个函数并使其返回arguments对象。 \`\`\`的JavaScript function storeNames(){return arguments; } ``` * Then, when we execute that function with **n arguments**, 3 in this case, it will return the object to us and it will **look like** an array. We can convert it to an array, but more on that later... ``` JavaScript的 //如果我们在控制台中执行以下行: storeNames(“Mulder”,“Scully”,“Alex Kryceck”); //输出为{'0':'Mulder','1':'Scully','2':'Alex Kryceck'} ``` If you want to know more about this, such as converting it to an array or the optimization problem that comes with using the _slice(_) method and how to solve it, click on **read more** (Gitter Chat Only). ## Treat it as an array You can invoke arguments by using `arguments[n]` (where _n_ is the index of the argument in the array-like object) but if you want to use it as an array for iteration purposes or applying array methods to it, you need to _convert it to an array_ by declaring a variable and using the Array.prototype.slice.call method (because _arguments_ is not an array): ``` JavaScript的 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); //或es6方式: var args = Array.from(arguments) ``` Since **slice()** has two (the parameter **end** is optional) parameters, you can grab a certain portion of the arguments by specifying (using the _slice.call()_ method renders these two parameters optional, not just _end_) the beginning and the ending of your portion; check out the following code: ``` JavaScript的 function getGrades(){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1,3); 回归 } //让我们输出这个! console.log(getGrades(90,100,75,40,89,95)); //输出应该是:// // \[100,75\] < - 为什么?因为它从索引1开始并在索引3处停止 //所以,没有考虑索引3(40)。 // //如果我们删除'3'参数,只留下(参数,1)我们得到 //来自索引1的每个参数:\[100,75,40,89,95\]。 ``` ### Optimization issues with Array.slice() There is a little problem, it's not recommended to use slice in the arguments object (optimization reasons)... > **Important**: You should not slice on arguments because it prevents optimizations in JavaScript engines (V8 for example). Instead, try constructing a new array by iterating through the arguments object. > > _by_ **_Mozilla Developer Network_** (reference) So, what other method is available to convert _arguments_ to an array? I recommend the for-loop (not the for-in loop), you can do it like this: ``` JavaScript的 var args = \[\]; //首先是空数组。 for(var i = 0; i console.log(arg)); } ``` 请注意,我们还使用了箭头函数来缩短forEach回调! 参数对象在箭头函数的主体内不可用。 rest参数必须始终作为函数定义中的最后一个参数。 `function getIntoAnArgument(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...restOfArgs /*no more arguments allowed here*/) { //function body }`