extends ../layout block content .row .col-xs-12.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-1.col-md-6.col-md-offset-3 h2.text-center Statistics hr ul.population-table li span.tag Established: span.text-primary #{daysRunning} | days ago li.nowrap span.tag Donated: span.text-primary $850,000 | in pro-bono code li.nowrap span.tag Pledged: span.text-primary $#{globalPledgedAmount} | to nonprofits .row .col-xs-12.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-1.col-md-6.col-md-offset-3 h2.text-center Certifications hr ul.population-table li.nowrap span.tag Front End: span.text-primary #{frontEndCount} | campers li.nowrap span.tag Data Viz: span.text-primary #{dataVisCount} | campers li.nowrap span.tag Back End: span.text-primary #{backEndCount} | campers .spacer .row .col-xs-12.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-1.col-md-6.col-md-offset-3 h2.text-center Links hr table.table.link-table tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-medium td a(href='//medium.freecodecamp.com', target='_blank') Our Medium publication tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-twitch td a(href="//twitch.tv/freecodecamp", target='_blank') Our Twitch.tv channel tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-reddit td a(href="//www.reddit.com/r/freecodecamp", target='_blank') Our Subreddit tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-github td a(href="//github.com/freecodecamp", target='_blank') Our GitHub repository tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-linkedin td a(href="//www.linkedin.com/edu/school?id=166029", target='_blank') Our LinkedIn university page tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-twitter td a(href="//twitter.com/freecodecamp", target='_blank') Our Twitter feed tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-facebook td a(href="//facebook.com/freecodecamp") Our Facebook page tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-lock td a(href="/privacy") Our privacy policy tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-balance-scale td a(href="/code-of-conduct") Our code of conduct tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-university td a(href="/academic-honesty") Our academic honesty policy tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-book td a(href="/terms") Our terms of service tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-heart td a(href="/how-nonprofit-projects-work") How our nonprofit projects work tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-flask td a(href="/labs") Extra-curricular apps built by campers tr td.text-center i.fa.fa-comment td a(href="/stories") Stories from campers who've become professional software engineers .spacer .row .col-xs-12.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-1.col-md-6.col-md-offset-3 h2.text-center Frequently Asked Questions hr html

What is Free Code Camp?

We’re an open source community that helps you learn to code.

How do you help me learn to code?

You can work through our self-paced coding challenges, build projects, and earn certifications. We also connect you with people in your city so you can code together.

Can Free Code Camp help me get a job as a software engineer?

Yes. Hundreds of people have gotten software engineering jobs after completing our coding challenges.

Is Free Code Camp a coding bootcamp?

No. A lot of coding bootcamps use Free Code Camp as part of their curriculum, though.

Is Free Code Camp really free?

Yes. Our curriculum, nonprofit projects, and verified certifications are all free.

Which certifications does Free Code Camp offer?

We offer four free verified certifications: front end development, back end development, data visualization, and full stack development.

How can I help nonprofits through Free Code Camp?

Once you finish the first three certifications, you’ll get to build a series of solutions for nonprofits. You’ll work in pairs, under the supervision of a volunteer project manager and a stakeholder from the nonprofit.

How much money has Free Code Camp saved nonprofits?

Our community has done nearly a million dollars worth of pro-bono coding for nonprofits so far.

Is there a way I can help nonprofits before I earn my certifications?

Yes. You can pledge a monthly donation to a nonprofit of your choosing while you learn.

How long does Free Code Camp take?

It takes about 2,080 hours to earn all four of our certifications. This translates into one year of full-time coding. We’re completely self-paced though, so take as long as you need.

Is Free Code Camp a replacement for a 4-year degree?

No. Please don’t drop out of college just to pursue Free Code Camp. You can pursue both concurrently. Even though you don’t need a 4-year degree to work as a software engineer, it still helps a lot.

I'm a teacher. Is Free Code Camp an appropriate resource for my class?

Yes. Many high school, college, and adult ed programs incorporate Free Code Camp into their coursework. We're open source, so no licenses or special permission from us is necessary. We're even building special tools for teachers.

Should I complete all of these challenges in order?

We’ve put a lot of thought into how we introduce concepts. But you’re free to jump around.

Do I have to use CodePen for the front end projects?

As long as your code is publicly viewable, and you have a live demo, you can use whatever you want.

When will you release the additional React, Sass, and D3 challenges?

We’ll release these in Spring 2016. In the meantime, other people have completed our React/Sass and D3 projects by referencing their official documentation.

How can I hire Free Code Camp alumni?

You can reach out to them through our alumni network.

How did Free Code Camp get started?

Quincy started our open source community in 2014. He is now just one of many active contributors.

How is Free Code Camp incorporated?

Quincy set up a company in California called Free Code Camp, Inc. to support the Free Code Camp community. It pays for servers and other expenses. It also sponsors Quincy, Berkeley, and Michael, who oversee infrastructure and nonprofit projects.

Can I get a job at Free Code Camp?

We can't afford to hire anyone, but we can serve as a springboard for your next job. Our contributors have landed jobs at companies like GitHub and Spotify.

Can my company advertise on Free Code Camp?

We don’t show ads.

Can I invest in Free Code Camp?

We're self-funded and don't want outside investment.

Can I donate to Free Code Camp?

We don’t accept donations. Instead, you should support us through our shop.

.spacer .row .col-xs-12.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-1.col-md-6.col-md-offset-3 h2.text-center Whom to contact for what table.table.table-stripe tr td Support ( a(href='mailto:team@freecodecamp.com') team@freecodecamp.com | ) td a(href='https://gitter.im/QuincyLarson' target='_blank') @QuincyLarson tr td Facebook page td a(href='https://gitter.im/QuincyLarson' target='_blank') @QuincyLarson tr td Twitter feed td a(href='https://gitter.im/QuincyLarson' target='_blank') @QuincyLarson tr td Medium publication td a(href='https://gitter.im/QuincyLarson' target='_blank') @QuincyLarson tr td Media inquiries td a(href='https://gitter.im/QuincyLarson' target='_blank') @QuincyLarson tr td Open source codebase contributions td a(href='https://gitter.im/BerkeleyTrue' target='_blank') @BerkeleyTrue tr td Server problems td a(href='https://gitter.im/BerkeleyTrue' target='_blank') @BerkeleyTrue tr td Nonprofit projects td a(href='https://gitter.im/CodeNonprofit' target='_blank') @CodeNonprofit tr td Volunteer agile project managers td a(href='https://gitter.im/CodeNonprofit' target='_blank') @CodeNonprofit tr td Commit program td a(href='https://gitter.im/CodeNonprofit' target='_blank') @CodeNonprofit tr td Video challenge curriculum td a(href='https://gitter.im/BrianaMarie' target='_blank') @BrianaMarie tr td Twitch.tv channel td a(href='https://gitter.im/Septimus' target='_blank') @Septimus tr td Youtube channel td a(href='https://gitter.im/Septimus' target='_blank') @Septimus tr td JavaScript curriculum td a(href='https://gitter.im/SaintPeter' target='_blank') @SaintPeter tr td Data Science and Open Data td a(href='https://gitter.im/Evaristoc' target='_blank') @Evaristoc tr td CamperBot td a(href='https://gitter.im/LTegman' target='_blank') @LTegman tr td Translation and Internationalization td a(href='https://gitter.im/Vtamara' target='_blank') @Vtamara tr td Wiki td a(href='https://gitter.im/Rafase282' target='_blank') @Rafase282 tr td Campsites td a(href='https://gitter.im/Hallaathrad' target='_blank') @Hallaathrad