--- title: Absolute Value --- ## Absolute Value Absolute value is the non-negative value of a number, whether that number is positive or negative. You can think of a number's absolute value as its distance from zero. It can be defined as, ![img](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?%5Cdpi%7B120%7D%20%5Clarge%20y%20%3D%20%5Cleft%20%7C%20x%20%5Cright%20%7C%20%3D%20%5Cleft%5C%7B%5Cbegin%7Bmatrix%7D%20x%20%26%20for%20%5C%2C%20x%20%5Cgeq%200%20%5C%5C%20-x%20%26%20for%20%5C%2Cx%20%3C0%20%5Cend%7Bmatrix%7D%5Cright.) The absolute value of a quantity x is denoted by |x| (the quantity is enclosed between two vertical bars). Here you can see that in the graph of y = |x|, if -2 is input in to the function, 2 is the result. This is because -2 has a distance of 2 from zero. The absolute value of a number can never be negative. ### Examples * **Simplify |-5|** |-5| = 5 * **Simplify |0(5)|** |0(5)| = |0| = 0 * **Simplify -|-1|** -|-1| = -(1) = -1 * **Simplify |-5(-3) + 1|** |-5(-3) + 1| = |15 + 1| = |16| = 16 * **Simplify |8|** |8| = 8 * **Simplify |(-5)^3|** |-125| = 125 #### More Information: [Purplemath](https://www.purplemath.com/modules/absolute.htm)