--- title: Accessing Nested Objects --- ## Accessing Nested Objects Clue: ***" Use bracket notation for properties with a space in their name."*** If we look at our object: ```javascript var myStorage = { "car": { "inside": { "glove box": "maps", "passenger seat": "crumbs" }, "outside": { "trunk": "jack" } } }; ``` Our object name is `myStorage`. |-- Inside that we have a nested object called `car`. |--- Inside that we have two more called `inside` and `outside` each with their own properties You can visualize the object structure like this, if it helps: ``` myStorage |-- car |--- inside |----- glove box: maps |----- passenger seat: crumbs |--- outside |----- trunk: jack ``` We are asked to assign the contents of `glove box` , which we can see is nested in the `inside` object, which in turn, is nested in the `car` object. We can use dot notation to access the `glove box` as follows: ```javascript var gloveBoxContents = myStorage.car.inside'complete here' ``` You must replace `complete here` with the correct way to access the property. See clue above if you get stuck.