--- title: Steamroller --- ![:triangular_flag_on_post:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/triangular_flag_on_post.png?v=3 ":triangular_flag_on_post:") Remember to use **`Read-Search-Ask`** if you get stuck. Try to pair program ![:busts_in_silhouette:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/busts_in_silhouette.png?v=3 ":busts_in_silhouette:") and write your own code ![:pencil:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/pencil.png?v=3 ":pencil:") ### ![:checkered_flag:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/checkered_flag.png?v=3 ":checkered_flag:") Problem Explanation: This problem seems simple but you need to make sure to flatten any array, regardless of the level which is what adds a bit of difficulty to the problem. #### Relevant Links * Array.isArray() ## ![:speech_balloon:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/speech_balloon.png?v=3 ":speech_balloon:") Hint: 1 You need to check if an element is an array or not. > _try to solve the problem now_ ## ![:speech_balloon:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/speech_balloon.png?v=3 ":speech_balloon:") Hint: 2 If you are dealing with an array, then you need flatten it by getting the value inside of the array. This means if you have `[[4]]` then instead of returning `[4]` you need to return `4`. If you get `[[[4]]]` then the same, you want the `4`. You can access it with `arr[index1][index2]` to go a level deeper. > _try to solve the problem now_ ## ![:speech_balloon:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/speech_balloon.png?v=3 ":speech_balloon:") Hint: 3 You will definitely need recursion or another way to go beyond two level arrays to make the code flexible and not hard-coded to the answers needed. Have fun! > _try to solve the problem now_ ## Spoiler Alert! ![warning sign](https://discourse-user-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/original/2X/2/2d6c412a50797771301e7ceabd554cef4edcd74d.gif) **Solution ahead!** ## ![:beginner:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/beginner.png?v=3 ":beginner:") Basic Code Solution: function steamrollArray(arr) { var flattenedArray = []; // Create function that adds an element if it is not an array. // If it is an array, then loops through it and uses recursion on that array. var flatten = function(arg) { if (!Array.isArray(arg)) { flattenedArray.push(arg); } else { for (var a in arg) { flatten(arg[a]); } } }; // Call the function for each element in the array arr.forEach(flatten); return flattenedArray; } // test here steamrollArray([1, [2], [3, [[4]]]]); ![:rocket:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/rocket.png?v=3 ":rocket:") Run Code ### Code Explanation: * Create a new variable to keep flattened arrays. * Create a function that will add non array elements to the new variable, and for the ones that are array it loops through them to get the element. * It does that by using recursion, if the element is an array then call the function again with a layer of array deeper to check if it is an array or not. if it is not then push that non-array element to the variable that gets returned. Otherwise, keep going deeper. * Invoke the function, the first time you will always pass it an array, so it always fall in to the isArray branch * Return the flattened array. #### Relevant Links * Array.push() * Array.forEach() ## ![:sunflower:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/sunflower.png?v=3 ":sunflower:") Intermediate Code Solution: function steamrollArray(arr) { let flat = [].concat(...arr); return flat.some(Array.isArray) ? steamrollArray(flat) : flat; } flattenArray([1, [2], [3, [[4]]]]); ![:rocket:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/rocket.png?v=3 ":rocket:") Run Code ### Code Explanation: * Use spread operator to concatenate each element of `arr` with an empty array * Use `Array.some()` method to find out if the new array contains an array still * If it does, use recursion call `steamrollArray` again, passing in the new array to repeat the process on the arrays that were deeply nested * If it does not, return the flattened array #### Relevant Links * Array.some * Array.concat * Spread operator * Ternary Operator (`condition ? a : b`) ## ![:rotating_light:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/rotating_light.png?v=3 ":rotating_light:") Advanced Code Solution: function steamrollArray(arr) { return arr.toString() .replace(',,', ',') // "1,2,,3" => "1,2,3" .split(',') // ['1','2','3'] .map(function(v) { if (v == '[object Object]') { // bring back empty objects return {}; } else if (isNaN(v)) { // if not a number (string) return v; } else { return parseInt(v); // if a number in a string, convert it } }); } ![:rocket:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/rocket.png?v=3 ":rocket:") Run Code ### Code Explanation: * First we turn the array to a string, which will give us a string of numbers seperated by a comma, double comma if there was an empty array and literal object text if there was an object, which we can fix it later in our if statement. * We replace the double comma with one, then split it back into an array. * map through the array and fix object values and convert string numbers to regular numbers. ## ![:clipboard:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/clipboard.png?v=3 ":clipboard:") NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: * ![:warning:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/warning.png?v=3 ":warning:") **DO NOT** add solutions that are similar to any existing solutions. If you think it is **_similar but better_**, then try to merge (or replace) the existing similar solution. * Add an explanation of your solution. * Categorize the solution in one of the following categories — **Basic**, **Intermediate** and **Advanced**. ![:traffic_light:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/traffic_light.png?v=3 ":traffic_light:") > See ![:point_right:](https://forum.freecodecamp.com/images/emoji/emoji_one/point_right.png?v=3 ":point_right:") **`Wiki Challenge Solution Template`** for reference.