var dom = require("../../lib/jsdom/level2/core").dom.level2.core; var jsdom = require('../../lib/jsdom'); var browser; exports.tests = { setUp : function(done) { browser = require("../../lib/jsdom/browser/index").browserAugmentation(dom); done(); }, notfound_getelementsbyclassname: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); var p = doc.createElement("p"); p.className = "unknown"; body.appendChild(p); var elements = doc.getElementsByClassName("first-p"); test.equal(elements.length, 0, "no results"); test.done(); }, basic_getelementsbyclassname: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); var p = doc.createElement("p"); p.className = "first-p"; body.appendChild(p); var elements = doc.getElementsByClassName("first-p"); test.equal(elements.item(0), p, 'p and first-p'); test.done(); }, multiple_getelementsbyclassname: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); var p = doc.createElement("p"); p.className = "first-p second third"; body.appendChild(p); var first = doc.getElementsByClassName("first-p").item(0); var second = doc.getElementsByClassName("second").item(0); var third = doc.getElementsByClassName("third").item(0); test.equal(first, p, 'p and first-p'); test.equal(second, p, 'p and second'); test.equal(third, p, 'p and third'); test.done(); }, testclassnameworksasexpected: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var p = doc.createElement("p"); p.setAttribute("class", "first-p"); test.equal(p.className, 'first-p', 'class attribute is same as className'); p.className += " second"; test.equal(p.className, 'first-p second', 'className getter/setter'); test.done(); }, basic_getelementbyid: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); var p = doc.createElement("p"); = "theid"; body.appendChild(p); var element = doc.getElementById("theid"); test.equal(element, p, "p and #theid"); test.done(); }, nonexistant_getelementbyid: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); var p = doc.createElement("p"); = "theid"; body.appendChild(p); var element = doc.getElementById("non-existant-id"); test.equal(element, null, "p and #theid"); test.done(); }, remove_nonexistantattribute: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); test.doesNotThrow(function(){ body.removeAttribute("non-existant"); }), 'setValue_throws_NO_MODIFICATION_ERR'; test.done(); }, render_singletag: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var p = doc.createElement("p"); var img = doc.createElement("img"); p.appendChild(img); var out = p.outerHTML; test.equal(out.match(/<\/img>/), null, 'end tag not included in output') test.done(); }, render_specialchars: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var p = doc.createElement("p"); var specials = '"<>&\xA0'; var escapedSpecials = '"<>& '; p.setAttribute("specials", specials); p.innerHTML = escapedSpecials; var pp = doc.createElement("p"); pp.appendChild(p); // This matches the behavior of FireFox, Chrome, and Safari. // IE8 does not escape <> in attributes, but does escape ­ in attributes and text content. test.equal(pp.innerHTML, '


' ); test.done(); }, parse_scripttags: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var head = doc.createElement("head"); var scriptHtml = ''; head.innerHTML = scriptHtml; test.equal(scriptHtml, head.innerHTML, "original and processed"); test.done(); }, parse_styletags: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var head = doc.createElement("head"); var styleHtml = ''; head.innerHTML = styleHtml; test.equal(styleHtml, head.innerHTML, "original and processed"); test.done(); }, parse_doublespacetags: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = ''; test.doesNotThrow(function(){ doc.innerHTML = html; }), 'setValue_throws_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR'; test.done(); }, serialize_styleattribute: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var domToHtml = require('../../lib/jsdom/browser/domtohtml'); doc.appendChild(doc.createElement('html')); = 'black'; = 'white'; test.equal(domToHtml.domToHtml(doc), '\n', ''); test.done(); }, innerhtml_removeallchildren: function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var body = doc.createElement('body'); body.appendChild(doc.createElement('p')); body.innerHTML = ""; test.equal(body.childNodes.length, 0, 'still has children'); test.done(); }, innerhtml_null: function(test) { var doc = new browser.HTMLDocument(); var body = doc.createElement('body'); body.appendChild(doc.createElement('p')); body.innerHTML = null; test.equal(body.childNodes.length, 0, 'still has children'); test.done(); }, serialize_html5_doctype: function(test) { var dom = new browser.DOMImplementation(); var doctype = dom.createDocumentType('html'); var document = dom.createDocument(null, null, doctype); var regexp = /^\s*/; test.ok(regexp.test(document.outerHTML), 'HTML 5 doctype did not serialize correctly'); test.done(); }, serialize_html4_strict_doctype: function(test) { var dom = new browser.DOMImplementation(); var doctype = dom.createDocumentType('html', '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN', ''); var document = dom.createDocument(null, null, doctype); var regexp = /^\s*/; test.ok(regexp.test(document.outerHTML), 'HTML 4 strict doctype did not serialize correctly'); test.done(); }, serialize_system_doctype: function(test) { var dom = new browser.DOMImplementation(); var doctype = dom.createDocumentType('foo', null, 'foo.dtd'); var document = dom.createDocument(null, null, doctype); var regexp = /^\s*/; test.ok(regexp.test(document.outerHTML), 'Doctype did not serialize correctly'); test.done(); }, serialize_doctype_containing_quotes: function(test) { var dom = new browser.DOMImplementation(); var doctype = dom.createDocumentType('foo', null, 'foo "bar".dtd'); var document = dom.createDocument(null, null, doctype); var regexp = /^\s*/; test.ok(regexp.test(document.outerHTML), 'Doctype did not serialize correctly'); test.done(); }, parse_doctype_containing_newline : function(test) { var html = '\n', doc = new browser.Document(); doc.innerHTML = html; test.ok(!!doc.doctype, 'doctype should not be falsy'); test.done(); }, basic_nodelist_indexOf : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); var p = doc.createElement("p"); body.appendChild(p); var div = doc.createElement("div"); body.appendChild(div); var span = doc.createElement("span"); body.appendChild(span); var index = body.childNodes._toArray().indexOf(span); test.equal(index, 2, "indexOf 'span' in childNodes") test.done(); }, nonexistant_nodelist_indexOf : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html); var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body); var p = doc.createElement("p"); body.appendChild(p); var div = doc.createElement("div"); p.appendChild(div); var index = body.childNodes._toArray().indexOf(div); test.equal(index, -1, "indexOf 'span' in childNodes") test.done(); }, input_fires_click_event : function(test) { doc = jsdom.jsdom( '' + '' + '') var checkbox = doc.getElementById("check"); checkbox.addEventListener("click", function(event) { test.equal(event.type, "click", "event type"); test.equal(, checkbox, "event type"); test.done(); }); }, basic_radio_selected : function(test) { doc = jsdom.jsdom( '' + '' + '' + '' + '') var radio0 = doc.getElementById("rad0"); var radio1 = doc.getElementById("rad1"); var radio2 = doc.getElementById("rad2"); test.ok(!radio0.checked, "radio not checked"); test.ok(radio1.checked, "radio checked"); test.ok(!radio2.checked, "radio not checked");; test.ok(radio0.checked, "radio checked"); test.ok(!radio1.checked, "radio not checked"); test.ok(radio2.checked, "radio checked");; test.ok(!radio0.checked, "radio not checked"); test.ok(radio1.checked, "radio checked"); test.ok(radio2.checked, "radio checked"); test.done(); }, radio_no_click_deselected : function(test) { doc = jsdom.jsdom( '' + '' + '') var radio0 = doc.getElementById("rad0");; test.ok(radio0.checked, "radio checked");; test.ok(radio0.checked, "radio checked"); test.done(); }, select_set_value_updates_value : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); select.value = "x" test.equal(select.value, "x", "select element value"); select.value = "y" test.equal(select.value, "y", "select element selectedIndex"); test.done(); }, select_set_value_updates_selectedIndex : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); select.value = "x" test.equal(select.selectedIndex, 0, "select element selectedIndex"); select.value = "y" test.equal(select.selectedIndex, 1, "select element selectedIndex"); test.done(); }, select_set_value_updates_option_selected : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); var option0 = doc.getElementById("optX"); var option1 = doc.getElementById("optY"); select.value = "x"; test.ok(option0.selected, "option element selected"); select.value = "y"; test.ok(option1.selected, "option element selected"); test.done(); }, select_set_selectedIndex_updates_value : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); select.selectedIndex = 0 test.equal(select.value, "x", "select element selectedIndex"); select.selectedIndex = 1 test.equal(select.value, "y", "select element selectedIndex"); test.done(); }, select_set_selectedIndex_updates_selectedIndex : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); select.selectedIndex = 0 test.equal(select.selectedIndex, 0, "select element selectedIndex"); select.selectedIndex = 1 test.equal(select.selectedIndex, 1, "select element selectedIndex"); test.done(); }, select_set_selectedIndex_updates_option_selected : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); var option0 = doc.getElementById("optX"); var option1 = doc.getElementById("optY"); select.selectedIndex = 0; test.ok(option0.selected, "option element selected"); test.ok(!option1.selected, "option element selected"); select.selectedIndex = 1; test.ok(option1.selected, "option element selected"); test.ok(!option0.selected, "option element selected"); test.done(); }, select_set_option_selected_updates_value : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); var option0 = doc.getElementById("optX"); var option1 = doc.getElementById("optY"); select.selectedIndex = 0; option0.selected = true; test.equal(select.value, "x", "select element value"); option1.selected = true; test.equal(select.value, "y", "select element value"); test.done(); }, select_set_option_selected_updates_selectedIndex : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); var option0 = doc.getElementById("optX"); var option1 = doc.getElementById("optY"); option0.selected = true; test.equal(select.selectedIndex, 0, "select element selectedIndex"); option1.selected = true; test.equal(select.selectedIndex, 1, "select element selectedIndex"); test.done(); }, select_set_option_selected_updates_option_selected : function(test) { var doc = new browser.Document(); var html = doc.createElement("html"); var body = doc.createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(html); html.appendChild(body); body.innerHTML = ''; var select = doc.getElementById("selectElement"); var option0 = doc.getElementById("optX"); var option1 = doc.getElementById("optY"); option0.selected = true; test.ok(option0.selected, "option element selected"); test.ok(!option1.selected, "option element selected"); option1.selected = true; test.ok(option1.selected, "option element selected"); test.ok(!option0.selected, "option element selected"); test.done(); }, };