import { Observable } from 'rx'; import debugFactory from 'debug'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import { observeMethod, observeQuery } from '../utils/rx'; import { getSocialProvider } from '../utils/auth'; const debug = debugFactory('fcc:userIdent'); export default function({ models }) { const { User, UserIdentity, UserCredential } = models; const findUserById = observeMethod(User, 'findById'); const findIdent = observeMethod(UserIdentity, 'findOne'); = function( userId, provider, authScheme, profile, credentials, options = {}, cb ) { if (typeof options === 'function' && !cb) { cb = options; options = {}; } const user$ = findUserById(userId); const query = { where: { provider: getSocialProvider(provider), externalId: } }; debug('link identity query', query); findIdent(query) .flatMap(identity => { const modified = new Date(); if (!identity) { return observeQuery(UserIdentity, 'create', { provider: getSocialProvider(provider), externalId:, authScheme, profile, credentials, userId, created: modified, modified }); } if (identity.userId.toString() !== userId.toString()) { return Observable.throw( new Error( dedent` Your GitHub is already associated with another account. You may have accidentally created a duplicate account. No worries, though. We can fix this real quick. Please email us with your GitHub username: `.split('/n').join(' ') ) ); } identity.credentials = credentials; return observeQuery(identity, 'updateAttributes', { profile, credentials, modified }); }) .withLatestFrom(user$, (identity, user) => ({ identity, user })) .subscribe( ({ identity, user }) => { cb(null, user, identity); }, cb ); }; =; }