extends ../layout block content .jumbotron.text-center h1.hug-top Deploy a Dynamic Website in 7 Minutes h2 Here's a fast and easy way to deploy a dynamic website to the internet br .embed-responsive.embed-responsive-16by9 iframe.embed-responsive-item(src='//player.vimeo.com/video/115194017') .text-left h3 Use these links: ul li a(href='http://www.atom.io' target='_blank') http://www.atom.io |   - free text editor li a(href='http://www.startbootstrap.com' target='_blank') http://www.startbootstrap.com |   - free responsive (Bootstrap) templates li a(href='http://www.powr.io' target='_blank') http://www.powr.io |   - great plugins li a(href='http://www.bitballoon.com' target='_blank') http://www.bitballoon.com |   - drag-and-drop deployment a.btn.btn-cta.signup-btn.btn-primary(href="/login") Start learning to code (it's free) br