window.common = (function({ common = { init: [] } }) { common.init.push(function($) { $('#report-issue').on('click', function() { var textMessage = [ 'Challenge [', (common.challengeName || window.location.pathname), '](', window.location.href, ') has an issue.\n', 'User Agent is: ', navigator.userAgent, '.\n', 'Please describe how to reproduce this issue, and include ', 'links to screenshots if possible.\n\n' ].join(''); if ( common.editor && typeof common.editor.getValue === 'function' && common.editor.getValue().trim() ) { var type; switch (common.challengeType) { case common.challengeTypes.HTML: type = 'html'; break; case common.challengeTypes.JS: case common.challengeTypes.BONFIRE: type = 'javascript'; break; default: type = ''; } textMessage += [ 'My code:\n```', type, '\n', common.editor.getValue(), '\n```\n\n' ].join(''); } textMessage = encodeURIComponent(textMessage); $('#issue-modal').modal('hide'); '' + textMessage, '_blank' ); }); }); return common; }(window));