var async = require('async'), path = require('path'), moment = require('moment'), Twit = require('twit'), debug = require('debug')('freecc:cntr:resources'), cheerio = require('cheerio'), request = require('request'), R = require('ramda'), _ = require('lodash'), fs = require('fs'), constantStrings = require('./constantStrings.json'), User = require('../models/User'), Challenge = require('./../models/Challenge'), Story = require('./../models/Story'), FieldGuide = require('./../models/FieldGuide'), Nonprofit = require('./../models/Nonprofit'), Comment = require('./../models/Comment'), resources = require('./resources.json'), secrets = require('./../config/secrets'), nonprofits = require('../seed_data/nonprofits.json'), fieldGuides = require('../seed_data/field-guides.json'), Slack = require('node-slack'), slack = new Slack(secrets.slackHook); /** * Cached values */ var allFieldGuideIds, allFieldGuideNames, allNonprofitNames, challengeMap, challengeMapForDisplay, challengeMapWithIds, challengeMapWithNames, allChallengeIds, allChallenges; /** * GET / * Resources. */ = function(left, right, combinerFunction) { var counter, results = []; for (counter = 0; counter < Math.min(left.length, right.length); counter++) { results.push(combinerFunction(left[counter], right[counter])); } return results; }; (function() { if (!challengeMap) { var localChallengeMap = {}; var files = fs.readdirSync( path.join(__dirname, '/../seed_data/challenges') ); var keyCounter = 0; files = (file) { return require( path.join(__dirname, '/../seed_data/challenges/' + file) ); }); files = files.sort(function (a, b) { return a.order - b.order; }); files.forEach(function (file) { localChallengeMap[keyCounter++] = file; }); challengeMap = _.cloneDeep(localChallengeMap); } })(); module.exports = { getChallengeMapForDisplay: function() { if (!challengeMapForDisplay) { challengeMapForDisplay = {}; Object.keys(challengeMap).forEach(function(key) { challengeMapForDisplay[key] = { name: challengeMap[key].name, challenges: challengeMap[key].challenges } }); } return challengeMapForDisplay; }, getChallengeMapWithIds: function() { if (!challengeMapWithIds) { challengeMapWithIds = {}; Object.keys(challengeMap).forEach(function (key) { var onlyIds = challengeMap[key] (elem) { return elem._id; }); challengeMapWithIds[key] = onlyIds; }); } return challengeMapWithIds; }, allChallengeIds: function() { if (!allChallengeIds) { allChallengeIds = []; Object.keys(this.getChallengeMapWithIds()).forEach(function(key) { allChallengeIds.push(challengeMapWithIds[key]); }); allChallengeIds = R.flatten(allChallengeIds); } return allChallengeIds; }, allChallenges: function() { if (!allChallenges) { allChallenges = []; Object.keys(this.getChallengeMapWithNames()).forEach(function(key) { allChallenges.push(challengeMap[key].challenges); }); allChallenges = R.flatten(allChallenges); } return allChallenges; }, getChallengeMapWithNames: function() { if (!challengeMapWithNames) { challengeMapWithNames = {}; Object.keys(challengeMap). forEach(function (key) { var onlyNames = challengeMap[key] (elem) { return; }); challengeMapWithNames[key] = onlyNames; }); } return challengeMapWithNames; }, sitemap: function sitemap(req, res, next) { var appUrl = ''; var now = moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); async.parallel({ users: function(callback) { User.aggregate() .group({_id: 1, usernames: { $addToSet: '$profile.username'}}) .match({'profile.username': { $ne: ''}}) .exec(function(err, users) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); callback(err); } else { callback(null, users[0].usernames); } }); }, challenges: function (callback) { Challenge.aggregate() .group({_id: 1, names: { $addToSet: '$name'}}) .exec(function (err, challenges) { if (err) { debug('Challenge err: ', err); callback(err); } else { callback(null, challenges[0].names); } }); }, stories: function (callback) { Story.aggregate() .group({_id: 1, links: {$addToSet: '$link'}}) .exec(function (err, stories) { if (err) { debug('Story err: ', err); callback(err); } else { callback(null, stories[0].links); } }); }, nonprofits: function (callback) { Nonprofit.aggregate() .group({_id: 1, names: { $addToSet: '$name'}}) .exec(function (err, nonprofits) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); callback(err); } else { callback(null, nonprofits[0].names); } }); }, fieldGuides: function (callback) { FieldGuide.aggregate() .group({_id: 1, names: { $addToSet: '$name'}}) .exec(function (err, fieldGuides) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); callback(err); } else { callback(null, fieldGuides[0].names); } }); } }, function (err, results) { if (err) { return next(err); } else { setTimeout(function() { res.header('Content-Type', 'application/xml'); res.render('resources/sitemap', { appUrl: appUrl, now: now, users: results.users, challenges: results.challenges, stories: results.stories, nonprofits: results.nonprofits, fieldGuides: results.fieldGuides }); }, 0); } } ); }, chat: function chat(req, res) { if (req.user && req.user.progressTimestamps.length > 5) { res.redirect(''); } else { res.render('resources/chat', { title: 'Watch us code live on' }); } }, jobs: function jobs(req, res) { res.render('resources/jobs', { title: 'Job Board for Front End Developer and Full Stack JavaScript Developer Jobs' }); }, jobsForm: function jobsForm(req, res) { res.render('resources/jobs-form', { title: 'Employer Partnership Form for Job Postings, Recruitment and Corporate Sponsorships' }); }, catPhotoSubmit: function catPhotoSubmit(req, res) { res.send( 'Success! You have submitted your cat photo. Return to your website ' + 'by typing any letter into your code editor.' ); }, nonprofits: function nonprofits(req, res) { res.render('resources/nonprofits', { title: 'A guide to our Nonprofit Projects' }); }, nonprofitsForm: function nonprofitsForm(req, res) { res.render('resources/nonprofits-form', { title: 'Nonprofit Projects Proposal Form' }); }, agileProjectManagers: function agileProjectManagers(req, res) { res.render('resources/pmi-acp-agile-project-managers', { title: 'Get Agile Project Management Experience for the PMI-ACP' }); }, agileProjectManagersForm: function agileProjectManagersForm(req, res) { res.render('resources/pmi-acp-agile-project-managers-form', { title: 'Agile Project Management Program Application Form' }); }, twitch: function twitch(req, res) { res.render('resources/twitch', { title: "Enter Free Code Camp's Chat Rooms" }); }, unsubscribe: function unsubscribe(req, res, next) { User.findOne({ email: }, function(err, user) { if (user) { if (err) { return next(err); } user.sendMonthlyEmail = false; () { if (err) { return next(err); } res.redirect('/unsubscribed'); }); } else { res.redirect('/unsubscribed'); } }); }, unsubscribed: function unsubscribed(req, res) { res.render('resources/unsubscribed', { title: 'You have been unsubscribed' }); }, githubCalls: function(req, res, next) { var githubHeaders = { headers: { 'User-Agent': constantStrings.gitHubUserAgent }, port: 80 }; request( [ '', 'freecodecamp/pulls?client_id=', secrets.github.clientID, '&client_secret=', secrets.github.clientSecret ].join(''), githubHeaders, function(err, status1, pulls) { if (err) { return next(err); } pulls = pulls ? Object.keys(JSON.parse(pulls)).length : "Can't connect to github"; request( [ '', 'freecodecamp/issues?client_id=', secrets.github.clientID, '&client_secret=', secrets.github.clientSecret ].join(''), githubHeaders, function (err, status2, issues) { if (err) { return next(err); } issues = ((pulls === parseInt(pulls, 10)) && issues) ? Object.keys(JSON.parse(issues)).length - pulls : "Can't connect to GitHub"; res.send({ issues: issues, pulls: pulls }); } ); } ); }, trelloCalls: function(req, res, next) { request( '' + secrets.trello.key, function(err, status, trello) { if (err) { return next(err); } trello = (status && status.statusCode === 200) ? (JSON.parse(trello)) : "Can't connect to to Trello"; res.end(JSON.stringify(trello)); }); }, bloggerCalls: function(req, res, next) { request( '' + 'posts?key=' + secrets.blogger.key, function (err, status, blog) { if (err) { return next(err); } blog = (status && status.statusCode === 200) ? JSON.parse(blog) : "Can't connect to Blogger"; res.end(JSON.stringify(blog)); } ); }, about: function(req, res, next) { if (req.user) { if ( !req.user.profile.picture || req.user.profile.picture.indexOf('apple-touch-icon-180x180.png') !== -1 ) { req.user.profile.picture = ''; // TODO(berks): unhandled callback; } } var date1 = new Date('10/15/2014'); var date2 = new Date(); var timeDiff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()); var daysRunning = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); var announcements = resources.announcements; function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); } User.count({}, function (err, c3) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); return next(err); } res.render('resources/learn-to-code', { title: 'About Free Code Camp', daysRunning: daysRunning, c3: numberWithCommas(c3), announcements: announcements }); }); }, randomPhrase: function() { return resources.phrases[ Math.floor(Math.random() * resources.phrases.length) ]; }, randomVerb: function() { return resources.verbs[ Math.floor(Math.random() * resources.verbs.length) ]; }, randomCompliment: function() { return resources.compliments[ Math.floor(Math.random() * resources.compliments.length) ]; }, allFieldGuideIds: function() { if (allFieldGuideIds) { return allFieldGuideIds; } else { allFieldGuideIds = (elem) { return elem._id; }); return allFieldGuideIds; } }, allFieldGuideNamesAndIds: function() { if (allFieldGuideNames) { return allFieldGuideNames; } else { allFieldGuideNames = (elem) { return { name:, id: elem._id }; }); return allFieldGuideNames; } }, allNonprofitNames: function() { if (allNonprofitNames) { return allNonprofitNames; } else { allNonprofitNames = (elem) { return { name: }; }); return allNonprofitNames; } }, whichEnvironment: function() { return process.env.NODE_ENV; }, getURLTitle: function(url, callback) { (function () { var result = {title: '', image: '', url: '', description: ''}; request(url, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { var $ = cheerio.load(body); var metaDescription = $("meta[name='description']"); var metaImage = $("meta[property='og:image']"); var urlImage = metaImage.attr('content') ? metaImage.attr('content') : ''; var metaTitle = $('title'); var description = metaDescription.attr('content') ? metaDescription.attr('content') : ''; result.title = metaTitle.text().length < 90 ? metaTitle.text() : metaTitle.text().slice(0, 87) + '...'; result.image = urlImage; result.description = description; callback(null, result); } else { callback(new Error('failed')); } }); })(); }, updateUserStoryPictures: function(userId, picture, username, cb) { var counter = 0, foundStories, foundComments; Story.find({'author.userId': userId}, function(err, stories) { if (err) { return cb(err); } foundStories = stories; counter++; saveStoriesAndComments(); }); Comment.find({'author.userId': userId}, function(err, comments) { if (err) { return cb(err); } foundComments = comments; counter++; saveStoriesAndComments(); }); function saveStoriesAndComments() { if (counter !== 2) { return; } var tasks = []; R.forEach(function(comment) { = picture; = username; comment.markModified('author'); tasks.push(function(cb) {; }); }, foundComments); R.forEach(function(story) { = picture; = username; story.markModified('author'); tasks.push(function(cb) {; }); }, foundStories); async.parallel(tasks, function(err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } cb(); }); } }, codepenResources: { twitter: function(req, res, next) { // sends out random tweets about javascript var T = new Twit({ 'consumer_key': secrets.twitter.consumerKey, 'consumer_secret': secrets.twitter.consumerSecret, 'access_token': secrets.twitter.token, 'access_token_secret': secrets.twitter.tokenSecret }); var screenName; if (req.params.screenName) { screenName = req.params.screenName; } else { screenName = 'freecodecamp'; } T.get( 'statuses/user_timeline', { 'screen_name': screenName, count: 10 }, function(err, data) { if (err) { return next(err); } return res.json(data); } ); }, twitterFCCStream: function() { // sends out a tweet stream from FCC's account }, twitch: function() { // exports information from the twitch account }, slack: function() { } }, getHelp: function(req, res, next) { var userName = req.user.profile.username; var code = req.body.payload.code ? '\n```\n' + req.body.payload.code + '\n```\n' : ''; var challenge = req.body.payload.challenge; slack.send({ text: "*" + userName + "* wants help with " + challenge + ". " + code + "Hey, *" + userName + "*, if no one helps you right " + "away, try typing out your problem in detail to me. Like this: " + "", channel: '#help', username: "Debuggy the Rubber Duck", icon_url: "" }); return res.sendStatus(200); }, getPair: function(req, res, next) { var userName = req.user.profile.username; var challenge = req.body.payload.challenge; slack.send({ text: "Anyone want to pair with @" + userName + " on " + challenge + "?\nMake sure you install Screen Hero here:" + "\n" + "Then start your pair program session with *" + userName + "* by typing \"/hero @" + userName + "\" into Slack.\n And *"+ userName + "*, be sure to launch Screen Hero, then keep coding. " + "Another camper may pair with you soon.", channel: '#letspair', username: "Companion Cube", icon_url: "" }); return res.sendStatus(200); } };