--- id: 5a24c314108439a4d4036143 title: Extract State Logic to Redux challengeType: 6 isRequired: false videoUrl: '' localeTitle: استخراج الدولة المنطق إلى Redux --- ## Description undefined ## Instructions undefined ## Tests
```yml tests: - text: '' testString: 'assert(ADD === "ADD", "The const ADD should exist and hold a value equal to the string ADD");' - text: '' testString: 'assert((function() { const addAction = addMessage("__TEST__MESSAGE__"); return addAction.type === ADD && addAction.message === "__TEST__MESSAGE__"; })(), "The action creator addMessage should return an object with type equal to ADD and message equal to the message that is passed in.");' - text: messageReducer يجب أن تكون وظيفة. testString: 'assert(typeof messageReducer === "function", "messageReducer should be a function.");' - text: '' testString: 'assert((function() { const initialState = store.getState(); return typeof store === "object" && initialState.length === 0; })(), "The store should exist and have an initial state set to an empty array.");' - text: '' testString: 'assert((function() { const initialState = store.getState(); const isFrozen = DeepFreeze(initialState); store.dispatch(addMessage("__A__TEST__MESSAGE")); const addState = store.getState(); return (isFrozen && addState[0] === "__A__TEST__MESSAGE"); })(), "Dispatching addMessage against the store should immutably add a new message to the array of messages held in state.");' - text: يجب أن تقوم messageReducer بإرجاع الحالة الحالية إذا تمت دعوتها مع أي إجراءات أخرى. testString: 'assert((function() { const addState = store.getState(); store.dispatch({type: "FAKE_ACTION"}); const testState = store.getState(); return (addState === testState); })(), "The messageReducer should return the current state if called with any other actions.");' ```
## Challenge Seed
```jsx // define ADD, addMessage(), messageReducer(), and store here: ```
## Solution
```js // solution required ```