{ "name": "Functional Programming", "dashedName": "functional-programming", "order": 8, "time": "5 hours", "template": "", "required": [], "superBlock": "javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures", "superOrder": 2, "challengeOrder": [ [ "587d7b8d367417b2b2512b5b", "Learn About Functional Programming" ], [ "587d7b8e367417b2b2512b5c", "Understand Functional Programming Terminology" ], [ "587d7b8e367417b2b2512b5d", "Understand the Hazards of Using Imperative Code" ], [ "587d7b8e367417b2b2512b5e", "Avoid Mutations and Side Effects Using Functional Programming" ], [ "587d7b8e367417b2b2512b5f", "Pass Arguments to Avoid External Dependence in a Function" ], [ "587d7b8f367417b2b2512b60", "Refactor Global Variables Out of Functions" ], [ "587d7b8f367417b2b2512b61", "Use the map Method to Extract Data from an Array" ], [ "587d7b8f367417b2b2512b62", "Implement map on a Prototype" ], [ "587d7b8f367417b2b2512b63", "Use the filter Method to Extract Data from an Array" ], [ "587d7b8f367417b2b2512b64", "Implement the filter Method on a Prototype" ], [ "587d7b90367417b2b2512b65", "Return Part of an Array Using the slice Method" ], [ "9d7123c8c441eeafaeb5bdef", "Remove Elements from an Array Using slice Instead of splice" ], [ "587d7da9367417b2b2512b66", "Combine Two Arrays Using the concat Method" ], [ "587d7da9367417b2b2512b67", "Add Elements to the End of an Array Using concat Instead of push" ], [ "587d7da9367417b2b2512b68", "Use the reduce Method to Analyze Data" ], [ "587d7b88367417b2b2512b45", "Use Higher-Order Functions map, filter, or reduce to Solve a Complex Problem" ], [ "587d7da9367417b2b2512b69", "Sort an Array Alphabetically using the sort Method" ], [ "587d7da9367417b2b2512b6a", "Return a Sorted Array Without Changing the Original Array" ], [ "587d7daa367417b2b2512b6b", "Split a String into an Array Using the split Method" ], [ "587d7daa367417b2b2512b6c", "Combine an Array into a String Using the join Method" ], [ "587d7dab367417b2b2512b6d", "Apply Functional Programming to Convert Strings to URL Slugs" ], [ "587d7dab367417b2b2512b6e", "Use the every Method to Check that Every Element in an Array Meets a Criteria" ], [ "587d7dab367417b2b2512b6f", "Use the some Method to Check that Any Elements in an Array Meet a Criteria" ], [ "587d7dab367417b2b2512b70", "Introduction to Currying and Partial Application" ] ], "helpRoom": "Help", "fileName": "02-javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/functional-programming.json" }