{ "name": "Rosetta Code", "dashedName": "rosetta-code", "order": 5, "time": "", "template": "", "required": [], "superBlock": "coding-interview-prep", "superOrder": 8, "challengeOrder": [ [ "594810f028c0303b75339acb", "100 doors" ], [ "5951e88f64ebf159166a1176", "24 game" ], [ "5949b579404977fbaefcd736", "9 billion names of God the integer" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339acc", "ABC Problem" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339acd", "Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ace", "Accumulator factory" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339acf", "Ackermann function" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad0", "Align columns" ], [ "5949b579404977fbaefcd737", "Amicable pairs" ], [ "594d8d0ab97724821379b1e6", "Averages/Mode" ], [ "594d966a1467eb84194f0086", "Averages/Pythagorean means" ], [ "594da033de4190850b893874", "Averages/Root mean square" ], [ "594db4d0dedb4c06a2a4cefd", "Babbage problem" ], [ "594dc6c729e5700999302b45", "Balanced brackets" ], [ "5951815dd895584b06884620", "Circles of given radius through two points" ], [ "5951a53863c8a34f02bf1bdc", "Closest-pair problem" ], [ "5958469238c0d8d2632f46db", "Combinations" ], [ "596e414344c3b2872167f0fe", "Comma quibbling" ], [ "596e457071c35c882915b3e4", "Compare a list of strings" ], [ "596fd036dc1ab896c5db98b1", "Convert seconds to compound duration" ], [ "596fda99c69f779975a1b67d", "Count occurrences of a substring" ], [ "59713bd26bdeb8a594fb9413", "Count the coins" ], [ "59713da0a428c1a62d7db430", "Cramer's rule" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e03", "Cumulative standard deviation" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e05", "CUSIP" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e06", "Cut a rectangle" ], [ "59669d08d75b60482359409f", "Date format" ], [ "5966c21cf732a95f1b67dd28", "Date manipulation" ], [ "5966f99c45e8976909a85575", "Day of the week" ], [ "59694356a6e7011f7f1c5f4e", "Deal cards for FreeCell" ], [ "596a8888ab7c01048de257d5", "Deepcopy" ], [ "597089c87eec450c68aa1643", "Define a primitive data type" ], [ "59f40b17e79dbf1ab720ed7a", "Department Numbers" ], [ "59f4eafba0343628bb682785", "Discordian date" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e1e", "Dot product" ], [ "599c333915e0ea32d04d4bec", "Element-wise operations" ], [ "599d0ba974141b0f508b37d5", "Emirp primes" ], [ "599d15309e88c813a40baf58", "Entropy" ], [ "5987fd532b954e0f21b5d3f6", "Equilibrium index" ], [ "599d1566a02b571412643b84", "Ethiopian multiplication" ], [ "59880443fb36441083c6c20e", "Euler method" ], [ "598de241872ef8353c58a7a2", "Evaluate binomial coefficients" ], [ "59e09e6d412c5939baa02d16", "Execute a Markov algorithm" ], [ "59e0a8df964e4540d5abe599", "Execute Brain****" ], [ "598ee8b91b410510ae82efef", "Extensible prime generator" ], [ "597b2b2a2702b44414742771", "Factorial" ], [ "598eea87e5cf4b116c3ff81a", "Factors of a Mersenne number" ], [ "597f1e7fbc206f0e9ba95dc4", "Factors of an integer" ], [ "59c3ec9f15068017c96eb8a3", "Farey sequence" ], [ "598eef80ba501f1268170e1e", "Fibonacci n-step number sequences" ], [ "597f24c1dda4e70f53c79c81", "Fibonacci sequence" ], [ "5992e222d397f00d21122931", "Fibonacci word" ], [ "5a7dad05be01840e1778a0d1", "Fractran" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e76", "Gamma function" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e77", "Gaussian elimination" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e78", "General FizzBuzz" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e7a", "Generate lower case ASCII alphabet" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e7b", "Generator/Exponential" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e80", "Gray code" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e82", "Greatest common divisor" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7e84", "Greatest subsequential sum" ], [ "595608ff8bcd7a50bd490181", "Hailstone sequence" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad1", "Happy numbers" ], [ "595668ca4cfe1af2fb9818d4", "Harshad or Niven series" ], [ "595671d4d2cdc305f0d5b36f", "Hash from two arrays" ], [ "5956795bc9e2c415eb244de1", "Hash join" ], [ "595b98f8b5a2245e243aa831", "Heronian triangles" ], [ "59622f89e4e137560018a40e", "Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences" ], [ "59637c4d89f6786115efd814", "Hofstadter Q sequence" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7eb0", "I before E except after C" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7eaf", "IBAN" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7eb1", "Identity matrix" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ec1", "Iterated digits squaring" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ec2", "Jaro distance" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ec4", "JortSort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ec5", "Josephus problem" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ecb", "K-d tree" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7eca", "Kaprekar numbers" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ed5", "Knight's tour" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7edb", "Largest int from concatenated ints" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7edc", "Last Friday of each month" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ede", "Leap year" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7edf", "Least common multiple" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ee0", "Left factorials" ], [ "59da22823d04c95919d46269", "Sailors, coconuts and a monkey problem" ], [ "59d9c6bc214c613ba73ff012", "SEDOLs" ], [ "59667989bf71cf555dd5d2ff", "S-Expressions" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc7ffe", "Sort an array of composite structures" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8000", "Sort disjoint sublist" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8014", "Sort stability" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8016", "Sort using a custom comparator" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8001", "Sorting algorithms/Bead sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8002", "Sorting algorithms/Bogosort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8004", "Sorting algorithms/Cocktail sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8005", "Sorting algorithms/Comb sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8007", "Sorting algorithms/Gnome sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc800b", "Sorting algorithms/Pancake sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc800c", "Sorting algorithms/Permutation sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8010", "Sorting algorithms/Shell sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8012", "Sorting algorithms/Stooge sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8013", "Sorting algorithms/Strand sort" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8017", "Soundex" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc801c", "Spiral matrix" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc801d", "Split a character string based on change of character" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8024", "State name puzzle" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8028", "Stern-Brocot sequence" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8029", "Straddling checkerboard" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc802a", "Stream Merge" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8036", "Strip control codes and extended characters from a string" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8038", "Subleq" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc803c", "Sudoku" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc803f", "Sum digits of an integer" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8040", "Sum multiples of 3 and 5" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8041", "Sum of a series" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8042", "Sum of squares" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8043", "Sum to 100" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8045", "Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping" ], [ "5a23c84252665b21eecc8046", "Symmetric difference" ], [ "594ecc0d9a8cf816e3340187", "Taxicab numbers" ], [ "594faaab4e2a8626833e9c3d", "Tokenize a string with escaping" ], [ "594fa2746886f41f7d8bf225", "Topological sort" ], [ "595011cba5a81735713873bd", "Top rank per group" ], [ "5951ed8945deab770972ae56", "Towers of Hanoi" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad2", "Vector cross product" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad3", "Vector dot product" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad4", "Word wrap" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad5", "Y combinator" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad6", "Zeckendorf number representation" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad7", "Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm" ], [ "594810f028c0303b75339ad8", "Zig-zag matrix" ] ], "helpRoom": "", "nChallenges": 437, "fileName": "08-coding-interview-prep/rosetta-code.json" }